The “Annual Thee-Club Exhibition and Show” is held in March each year. It is a gathering of the Latow Photographers Guild, the Hamilton Camera Club, and the Trillium Photographic Club to display their members’ prints and present A/V Shows.

Images from the 2023 show by Peter McCusker:

Images from the 2024 show are on Facebook.

The 2025 Three Club Show will be held at the Burlington Senior Centre on Saturday, March 22, 2025. The ticket price is $15 per person, and the show is open to club members and friends.
Doors open at 7 pm.

Address: 2285 New St, Burlington, ON L7R 1J4


  • Each Member can display up to 5 prints.
  • Prints must be mounted or securely fastened to a backing board for protection. Over-mats are permitted. It is recommended that these be white or a neutral colour. You can mount your own prints.  For example, white foam core or any type of stiff backboard can be used.  
  • It is recommended that a print be no smaller than 8” x 10” for best viewing at the salon. There are no maximum size restrictions.
  • Due to hanging and storage challenges, we cannot accept framed prints, prints with glass, or mounts with hangers, wire, or cord attached.
  • More than one image on a mat will be counted as one entry.
  • The entrant must have taken the original photograph from which the print is made.
  • Prints may be produced by either traditional chemical darkroom or computer printer techniques or commercially produced at a lab.
  • Preparation: Print your name and the title of the image on the back, in the top right-hand corner. Also, put an arrow pointing to the top indicating which way the image should be viewed.

Note: Don Corby is again offering matte prints for members. Prices for prints are $20 for images up to 8 x 12 and $25 for prints up to 11 x 17.
The prints must be delivered to Don no later than Tuesday March 18. Don can be reached toll-free at 877-689-1976 or [email protected]. Website:

Bert can collect the finished prints from Don and bring them back to the club.  But people if you wish to have your prints matted by Don you will need to drop them off.

How to Participate:

  • Email [email protected] by Friday March 14, 2025, at midnight, giving your name and the titles of each of the prints you will enter. Labels for each of your prints will be made from this information. Send in the following format to facilitate label making:
    Title of Print
  • Submit prepared/matted prints at any in-person meeting no later than Tuesday March 18, 2025.
  • Include a note with your name and the titles of each of your prints with your prints submission.
  • Take your prints home at the end of the show (10:00 pm) on Saturday March 22, 2025 or arrange for someone else to take them home that night.

Printing Places:

Please note this list is compiled from the internet. It is up to the participant to do the research and choose a printer.

Burlington Camera


FujiFilm Printlife

Belle Arte Camera

Martin Renters Printing

Duncan and Wright