TC clinic 2 2022 Bright Colors 26 TC GPP Elzbieta Piskorz Pictorial Gold A top score in Pictorial 3-way tie Actor Reg Dreger 24.5 TC SPP Peter McCusker Pictorial Silver Wood Stork with Branch 25.5 TC GPP Herb McClelland Nature Gold Delirium 27 TC DP Bela Acs Creative Master scoring creative Little High Falls 25.5 TC GPP Andy Langs Pictorial Gold Endless 23 TC BPP Robert Segarra Pictorial Bronze J1 The central composition works well for this image to lead the eye in. Physically there is depth but tonally, the image is rather flat since everything blends in. Some selective dodging and burning to give this dimension given the heavy texture would help. Tone down the left, top and right with a graduation to draw the eye back into the scene. FireGirl 23 TC BPP Robert Segarra Pictorial Bronze Hypnotizing 26.5 TC DP Bertin Francoeur Creative Master Two Caspian Terns Vying for a Fish 27 TC DP Geoff Dunn Nature Master J1 Wonderful nature story captured with the terns is high in impact. High marks for a dynamic composition. Technically well done as well. Osprey fishing off the coast of NS 29 TC DP Greg Alderson Nature Master Top scoring Nature J1 Perfect in every way - Impact, Composition and Technically superb to capture this story. Well done. Peregrine falcons transfer oriole 26.5 TC DP Greg Alderson Nature Master J1 Great job! Suggest cropping some of the unnecessary sky out left and right - square crop for a full 10 points.