The Trillium Photographic Club holds Clinics for image evaluation and education.

Members who wish to participate in the clinics should email [email protected] to be assigned a clinic number and a member level, or to ask any questions.

Documents you might like to review:

Trillium Categories in one page

Recognizing subjects for Nature and Reviewing Clinic Images

The Categories are Pictorial, Nature and Creative. The details start at p. 7 in the current version of our Members Handbook. You can also refer to our Clinic Entry Instructions page. For a one-page version, you can review this file.

Clinics are designed to give members an opportunity to share and learn from more experienced photographers, thus helping them to enhance their photographic skills. See Our Detailed Program Guide for Clinic Dates. 

Images submitted preceding the Clinics will be shown on dates listed in the Program. The Award and Promotion system is described in the Handbook.

Entry to club competitions (including clinics) is restricted to paying members and the immediate past president.

An image may be entered only once. The image may not  be re-entered in any Clinic, unless it has been altered through technical or digital manipulation that renders a substantially different result.

Once judged in a given Category, an image must remain in that Category for all club competitions. It is the responsibility of the member to keep a record of the images entered. Members are encouraged to enter recent work.

Member Levels: New members normally begin at the Bronze Member Level but your level may be adjusted based on circumstances like previous membership in a photographic club or experience.

Clinic Awards: Note that awards are based on the member level. Top 15% in each Level receive Clinic Awards, either Honourable Mention or Tops of Clinic (T.C.). Minimum score to receive a Clinic Award will be 21 points.

General Rules:

  • All submissions must be the work of the entrant.
  • Digital manipulation must be done by the entrant.
  • Copying and/or inclusion of elements from other artists’ images, in whole or in part, is not acceptable in any category, except where these are objects in the environment being photographed.
  • Images created, in whole or in part, on the computer do not qualify in any category.
  • Eligibility will be determined by the Club.
  • New members are encouraged to submit their entries early to allow for review prior to clinic closing.

Submissions: Clinic images are uploaded under Clinics, Clinic Uploads.

  • Members can submit up to 5 JPEG files per clinic.
  • They should be in the sRGB colour space.

Scoring: Trillium Photographic Club uses a half-point system allowing scores like  7.5. Three judges assess the images, so the final scores are out of 30.

Titles: The Image Title should be simple, and introduce or set the mood or perspective for your image. Nature has specific rules.

Size: Maximum horizontal size is 1400 pixels. Maximum vertical size is 1050 pixels.  It is best to have at least one of the sides at the maximum.

Please refer to the Members’ Handbook for further information.