Clinic 3 2019-2020

Clinic 3 2019-2020
Finding The Light 6 8 7.5 21.5 Kathryn Martin  Creative Gold
Finding The Light 6 8 7.5 21.5 Kathryn Martin Creative Gold
J1 This image?s photographic origin is not evident. NIKON D7500 TAMRON 18-400mm F3.5-6.3 Di II VC HLD B028N 1/2 sec F22.0 ISO 100 FL 65
Ghost Of Trees Past 6.5 6.5 6 19 Dan Copeland  Creative Master
Ghost Of Trees Past 6.5 6.5 6 19 Dan Copeland Creative Master
J3 While this multiple exposure technique is handled well, there still needs to be stronger element of either patterns, textures or a strong focal point of some sort to create interest and add further impact. OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII .7x EF28-300/3.7-5.6L IS USM 1/2 sec F18.0 ISO 64 FL 20
B And W Abstract 7.5 7 7.5 22 Victor Turczynski  Creative Gold
B And W Abstract 7.5 7 7.5 22 Victor Turczynski Creative Gold
J3 The geometric patterns of the stairs add a lot of interest and that's where the strength lies in this contrasty image. Try cropping the bottom lower left window out to direct the eye back up. If possible, try to square up the image so the view is perpendicular to the wall instead of an angle - perspective correction in Photoshop would help. FUJIFILM X-T2 XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R LM OIS 1/320 sec F8.0 ISO 200 FL 18.8
Montebello Park Underwater 7 7.5 7.5 22 Geoff Dunn  Creative Gold
Montebello Park Underwater 7 7.5 7.5 22 Geoff Dunn Creative Gold
Canon EOS 5D Mark III EF24-105mm f/4L IS II USM 1/100 sec F8.0 ISO 200 FL 85
Carnival Vortex - All In Camera 7 7.5 7.5 22 SPP Andy Langs  Creative Silver
Carnival Vortex - All In Camera 7 7.5 7.5 22 SPP Andy Langs Creative Silver
J3 The colours and patterns create a great lead in with the vortex. However, the bright element lower center/left detracts and stops the eye from moving to explore the rest of the image. Toning down the brighter portion in the center might reduce the distraction.
Road To Fall 6.5 7 7 20.5 Marino Favretto  Creative Bronze
Road To Fall 6.5 7 7 20.5 Marino Favretto Creative Bronze
EF28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM 1/60 sec F7.1 ISO 200 FL 28
Your What 6 6.5 6 18.5 John Bunyon  Creative Silver
Your What 6 6.5 6 18.5 John Bunyon Creative Silver
J1 This image would have benefit from a larger DOF allowing for the main subjects to be more in focus. It is also possible that a higher shutter speed and/or use of a tripod may have also helped this image be sharper. samsung SM-A520W 1/17 sec F1.9 ISO 160 FL 3.6
Cattail In Marsh 7 6.5 7 20.5 Carey Hope  Creative Silver
Cattail In Marsh 7 6.5 7 20.5 Carey Hope Creative Silver
NIKON D750 1/1250 sec F4.0 ISO 200 FL 60
The Predator 7 6 5.5 18.5 John Bunyon  Creative Silver
The Predator 7 6 5.5 18.5 John Bunyon Creative Silver
samsung SM-A520W 1/10 sec F1.9 ISO 2000 FL 3.6
Great Egret Formation 6.5 7 6.5 20 David Seldon  Creative Master
Great Egret Formation 6.5 7 6.5 20 David Seldon Creative Master
Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/400 sec F9.0 ISO 800 FL 400
Things Go Better With Coke 6.5 6.5 7 20 Patrick Mohide  Creative Gold
Things Go Better With Coke 6.5 6.5 7 20 Patrick Mohide Creative Gold
SONY ILCE-7RM2 FE 70-300mm F4.5-5.6 G OSS 1/20 sec F6.3 ISO 100 FL 70
Ablaze 9.5 8 8 25.5 TC GPP Claudia Povilauskas  Creative Gold
Ablaze 9.5 8 8 25.5 TC GPP Claudia Povilauskas Creative Gold
Canon EOS 6D Mark II EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM 8 sec F11.0 ISO 100 FL 100
Bricks 6.5 6.5 7 20 Leonie Holmes  Creative Gold
Bricks 6.5 6.5 7 20 Leonie Holmes Creative Gold
Panasonic DMC-G2 1/80 sec F8.0 ISO 400 FL 41
Redhead Duck 8 7.5 7.5 23 GPP Brian Floyd  Nature Gold
Redhead Duck 8 7.5 7.5 23 GPP Brian Floyd Nature Gold
OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0 1/40 sec F4.0 ISO 800 FL 300
Great Blue Heron - Adult 7 7 7.5 21.5 Herb McClelland  Nature Silver
Great Blue Heron - Adult 7 7 7.5 21.5 Herb McClelland Nature Silver
NIKON D500 80.0-400.0 mm f/4.5-5.6 1/2500 sec F5.6 ISO 800 FL 400
Upland Goose 6 6 6 18 Ewa Rakowski  Nature Silver
Upland Goose 6 6 6 18 Ewa Rakowski Nature Silver
NIKON D7100 1/320 sec F5.6 ISO 100 FL 110
Red-Winged Blackbird 8.5 8 8 24.5 HM GPP Brian Floyd  Nature Gold
Red-Winged Blackbird 8.5 8 8 24.5 HM GPP Brian Floyd Nature Gold
OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII M.300mm F4.0 + MC-14 1/250 sec F5.6 ISO 1000 FL 420
Goldfinch On Thistle 7.5 8.5 7.5 23.5 GPP David Evans  Nature Gold
Goldfinch On Thistle 7.5 8.5 7.5 23.5 GPP David Evans Nature Gold
Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/320 sec F7.1 ISO 800 FL 400
Red-Tailed Hawk (Juv.) On Nest 7 6.5 7.5 21 Jim Maguire  Nature Gold
Red-Tailed Hawk (Juv.) On Nest 7 6.5 7.5 21 Jim Maguire Nature Gold
NIKON D7500 TAMRON SP AF 150-600mm F5-6.3 VC USD A011N 1/250 sec F13.0 ISO 1000 FL 600
Yellow Collared Scape Moth 7 7 8 22 Colleen Bird  Nature Gold
Yellow Collared Scape Moth 7 7 8 22 Colleen Bird Nature Gold
J2 Great Position of moth however focus is where? The image may benefit from being at least 1/2 stop of light less. OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII OLYMPUS M.40-150mm F4.0-5.6 R 1/1600 sec F6.3 ISO 1000 FL 145
Great Horned Owl 19 6.5 7 7.5 21 Greg Alderson  Nature Gold
Great Horned Owl 19 6.5 7 7.5 21 Greg Alderson Nature Gold
J2 Sharpness of owl is off, either the focus at the eyes or shutter speed could be faster. NIKON D500 1/4000 sec F4.8 ISO 560 FL 220
Great Blue Herons Nest Building 7.5 8 9 24.5 HM DP David Seldon  Nature Master
Great Blue Herons Nest Building 7.5 8 9 24.5 HM DP David Seldon Nature Master
Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/3200 sec F9.0 ISO 800 FL 400
Ospreys  7.5 8 8 23.5 GPP Pat Wintemute  Nature Gold
Ospreys 7.5 8 8 23.5 GPP Pat Wintemute Nature Gold
Canon EOS 70D 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM | Contemporary 015 1/1600 sec F8.0 ISO 800 FL 600
Sanderling 8.5 7 8 23.5 GPP Jim Thomson  Nature Gold
Sanderling 8.5 7 8 23.5 GPP Jim Thomson Nature Gold
J2 Excellent photographic position however focus on eye appears off.
Wood Stork 8 7 7.5 22.5 SPP Herb McClelland  Nature Silver
Wood Stork 8 7 7.5 22.5 SPP Herb McClelland Nature Silver
NIKON D500 80.0-400.0 mm f/4.5-5.6 1/1600 sec F8.0 ISO 720 FL 400
Mallard Duck 7 6 6.5 19.5 John King  Nature Gold
Mallard Duck 7 6 6.5 19.5 John King Nature Gold
J3 There is a nature story captured here with the duck shaking off the water, but the image is a bit soft in detail and we're losing detail in the darker feathers of the bird. A faster shutter speed would help as well as stopping down further to increase depth of field. Increase the ISO to overexpose slightly to get details in the blacks. The head is also in an awkward position as we only see the underside and not the eyes.
Osprey With Prey 7.5 8 7 22.5 Geoffrey Skirrow  Nature Gold
Osprey With Prey 7.5 8 7 22.5 Geoffrey Skirrow Nature Gold
Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM 1/1250 sec F7.1 ISO 200 FL 180
Ring-Billed Gull'S Catch 8.5 9 8 25.5 TC SPP Peter Chow  Nature Silver
Ring-Billed Gull'S Catch 8.5 9 8 25.5 TC SPP Peter Chow Nature Silver
J2 Great image with the flight and fish at beak. A little more space at wing tip and feet would be nice. Canon EOS REBEL T4i 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM | Contemporary 015 1/3200 sec F9.0 ISO 800 FL 238
Monarch Butterfly On Echinacea 6.5 7 7 20.5 John Strung  Nature Gold
Monarch Butterfly On Echinacea 6.5 7 7 20.5 John Strung Nature Gold
J2 The image would have more impact if the space around the butterfly was overall more generous, for example the end of one antennae is out of the frame. OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII M.300mm F4.0 + MC-14 1/800 sec F8.0 ISO 640 FL 420
Wasp 7 9.5 7.5 24 HM GPP John Strung  Nature Gold
Wasp 7 9.5 7.5 24 HM GPP John Strung Nature Gold
J2 A great photograph with the wasp and flower. An unusual image well composed, and lighted with excellent detail. OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII M.300mm F4.0 + MC-14 1/250 sec F5.6 ISO 640 FL 420
Eastern Coma Butterfly 8 7 7.5 22.5 Colleen Bird  Nature Gold
Eastern Coma Butterfly 8 7 7.5 22.5 Colleen Bird Nature Gold
OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII OLYMPUS M.40-150mm F4.0-5.6 R 1/250 sec F13.0 ISO 500 FL 150
Viceroy Butterfly 7.5 7 7 21.5 Jim Thomson  Nature Gold
Viceroy Butterfly 7.5 7 7 21.5 Jim Thomson Nature Gold
J2 Excellent composition; it is unfortunate the focus point is off the eye and appears to be the legs. Background is handled well.
Great Blue Heron Spearfishing 9.5 8.5 9 27 TC GPP Brian Floyd  Nature Gold
Great Blue Heron Spearfishing 9.5 8.5 9 27 TC GPP Brian Floyd Nature Gold
OLYMPUS E-M1X M.300mm F4.0 + MC-14 1/250 sec F5.6 ISO 320 FL 420
Great Blue Heron 8.5 7.5 8 24 HM GPP Pat Wintemute  Nature Gold
Great Blue Heron 8.5 7.5 8 24 HM GPP Pat Wintemute Nature Gold
J2 Excellent exposure, shutterspeed choices and composition. Background compliments the reddish brown color markings of the heron. Focus appears to be at the lower legs and not on the eye of the bird. Canon EOS 70D EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/1600 sec F5.6 ISO 320 FL 278
Great Horned Owl Camouflaged 8.5 8 8.5 25 TC GPP Geoff Dunn  Nature Gold
Great Horned Owl Camouflaged 8.5 8 8.5 25 TC GPP Geoff Dunn Nature Gold
Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/800 sec F9.0 ISO 1000 FL 371
Common Ringlet 6.5 8 7.5 22 Heather Engel  Nature Master
Common Ringlet 6.5 8 7.5 22 Heather Engel Nature Master
NIKON D300S 1/640 sec F10.0 ISO 640 FL 105
Hepatica 7 8.5 7.5 23 Heather Engel  Nature Master
Hepatica 7 8.5 7.5 23 Heather Engel Nature Master
NIKON D300S 1/250 sec F13.0 ISO 2500 FL 105
Roseate Spoonbill Flying 6.5 7.5 7.5 21.5 David Seldon  Nature Master
Roseate Spoonbill Flying 6.5 7.5 7.5 21.5 David Seldon Nature Master
Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/2500 sec F9.0 ISO 800 FL 400
Chicory 8 8.5 7 23.5 Doug Doede  Nature Master
Chicory 8 8.5 7 23.5 Doug Doede Nature Master
J2 Lovely light, and composition PENTAX K-S2 TAMRON SP AF 90mm F2.8 1/13 sec F2.8 ISO 400 FL 90
Caspian Tern With Fish 7 7 8 22 Jim Maguire  Nature Gold
Caspian Tern With Fish 7 7 8 22 Jim Maguire Nature Gold
NIKON D7500 TAMRON SP AF 150-600mm F5-6.3 VC USD A011N 1/1250 sec F9.0 ISO 400 FL 200
White-Tailed Deer 7 8 7 22 Pat Wintemute  Nature Gold
White-Tailed Deer 7 8 7 22 Pat Wintemute Nature Gold
Canon EOS 70D EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/1000 sec F5.6 ISO 250 FL 400
Snowy Owl Portrait 7.5 8 7 22.5 Elzbieta Piskorz  Nature Gold
Snowy Owl Portrait 7.5 8 7 22.5 Elzbieta Piskorz Nature Gold
NIKON D610 1/1250 sec F5.6 ISO 125 FL 250
Ring Billed Gull 7 7.5 7.5 22 SPP Janet McNally  Nature Silver
Ring Billed Gull 7 7.5 7.5 22 SPP Janet McNally Nature Silver
J1 This nature image is well composed, has good exposed in both dark and light areas and is sharp with a good depth of field. The image lacks a good "story". NIKON D7100 18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/800 sec F9.0 ISO 400 FL 105
Egg Laying Snapping Turtle 7 7.5 8 22.5 Bela Acs  Nature Master
Egg Laying Snapping Turtle 7 7.5 8 22.5 Bela Acs Nature Master
FUJIFILM X-T2 XF55-200mmF3.5-4.8 R LM OIS 1/200 sec F7.1 ISO 400 FL 104.9
Black-Capped Chickadee 7 7.5 7.5 22 Bela Acs  Nature Master
Black-Capped Chickadee 7 7.5 7.5 22 Bela Acs Nature Master
FUJIFILM X-T2 XF55-200mmF3.5-4.8 R LM OIS 1/500 sec F7.1 ISO 250 FL 200
American Robin 8 7.5 7.5 23 GPP Kathryn Martin  Nature Gold
American Robin 8 7.5 7.5 23 GPP Kathryn Martin Nature Gold
ILCE-9 FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter 1/500 sec F8.0 ISO 1000 FL 560
Wolves Submissive Posture 8 7.5 7.5 23 David Seldon  Nature Master
Wolves Submissive Posture 8 7.5 7.5 23 David Seldon Nature Master
Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/1250 sec F5.0 ISO 1250 FL 200
Natures Red Carpet 6.5 6 5.5 18 Marino Favretto  Nature Bronze
Natures Red Carpet 6.5 6 5.5 18 Marino Favretto Nature Bronze
J1 This image is out of category. This is a landscape and according to this club's rules belongs in pictorial. The hand of man is clearly visible. J2 The 'hand of man' shown with the picnic table suggests this image is in the incorrect category. Perhaps it should be considered as pictorial. J3 Note: Bench = HoM Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS 1/30 sec F9.0 ISO 200 FL 30
Male Northern Cardinal 6.5 7.5 7 21 Bela Acs  Nature Master
Male Northern Cardinal 6.5 7.5 7 21 Bela Acs Nature Master
J2 Good position of bird in the environment. The light falling off at the tail is too much FUJIFILM X-T2 XF55-200mmF3.5-4.8 R LM OIS 1/125 sec F7.1 ISO 400 FL 172.4
Eurasian Eagle Owl 7 8 7 22 Bertin Francoeur  Nature Gold
Eurasian Eagle Owl 7 8 7 22 Bertin Francoeur Nature Gold
SONY ILCE-7RM3 FE 90mm F2.8 Macro G OSS 1/50 sec F4.0 ISO 200 FL 90
Lion Gnawing On Head Of Oryx 8 7.5 7 22.5 Jim Maguire  Nature Gold
Lion Gnawing On Head Of Oryx 8 7.5 7 22.5 Jim Maguire Nature Gold
NIKON D7500 80.0-400.0 mm f/4.5-5.6 1/800 sec F7.1 ISO 400 FL 400
Viceroy Butterfly 6 7.5 6.5 20 Colleen Bird  Nature Gold
Viceroy Butterfly 6 7.5 6.5 20 Colleen Bird Nature Gold
OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII OLYMPUS M.40-150mm F4.0-5.6 R 1/1250 sec F13.0 ISO 1600 FL 150
Bald Eagle 7 6.5 6.5 20 Gary Love  Nature Master
Bald Eagle 7 6.5 6.5 20 Gary Love Nature Master
Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM 1/4000 sec F5.6 ISO 1000 FL 70
Osprey  8 7.5 8.5 24 DP Gary Love  Nature Master
Osprey 8 7.5 8.5 24 DP Gary Love Nature Master
Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF300mm f/2.8L IS USM +2x III 1/2000 sec F8.0 ISO 800 FL 600
Young  Grizzlies 8.5 8.5 8.5 25.5 TC DP David Seldon  Nature Master
Young Grizzlies 8.5 8.5 8.5 25.5 TC DP David Seldon Nature Master
Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/500 sec F5.6 ISO 4000 FL 124
Wild Columbine 6.5 7.5 6.5 20.5 Jim Thomson  Nature Gold
Wild Columbine 6.5 7.5 6.5 20.5 Jim Thomson Nature Gold
J1 This image has a beautiful bokeh background created by a shallow depth of field, but this came at a cost as not enough of the main subject is in focus. Using a smaller aperture or focus stacking may have been considered.
Harris Hawk 7 7.5 7 21.5 Gary Love  Nature Master
Harris Hawk 7 7.5 7 21.5 Gary Love Nature Master
J3 Note: Tethers on legs = captivity = HoM Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM 1/2000 sec F2.8 ISO 500 FL 70
Hepatica 2 8 8 7.5 23.5 GPP Colleen Bird  Nature Gold
Hepatica 2 8 8 7.5 23.5 GPP Colleen Bird Nature Gold
J2 Interesting composition, good handling of background with subtle color of flower petals OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII OLYMPUS M.60mm F2.8 Macro 1/80 sec F8.0 ISO 400 FL 60
Snowy Egret 7 8 7.5 22.5 SPP Peter Chow  Nature Silver
Snowy Egret 7 8 7.5 22.5 SPP Peter Chow Nature Silver
Canon EOS REBEL T5i 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM | Contemporary 015 1/800 sec F9.0 ISO 100 FL 500
Pintail Duck 7 8 8 23 GPP Colleen Bird  Nature Gold
Pintail Duck 7 8 8 23 GPP Colleen Bird Nature Gold
OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0 1/2000 sec F6.3 ISO 1600 FL 300
Albatross - South Atlantic 6.5 6.5 7 20 Herb McClelland  Nature Silver
Albatross - South Atlantic 6.5 6.5 7 20 Herb McClelland Nature Silver
NIKON D500 80.0-400.0 mm f/4.5-5.6 1/1000 sec F5.6 ISO 800 FL 340
Pine Marten  7 7 7 21 Dan Copeland  Nature Master
Pine Marten 7 7 7 21 Dan Copeland Nature Master
J2 Eyes do not appear to be in focus. Canon EOS 5DS 633/250000 sec F5.7 ISO 6400 FL 400
Canada Goose With Family 7 7.5 7.5 22 SPP Herb McClelland  Nature Silver
Canada Goose With Family 7 7.5 7.5 22 SPP Herb McClelland Nature Silver
NIKON D500 80.0-400.0 mm f/4.5-5.6 1/1250 sec F8.0 ISO 800 FL 220
Red-Crowned Cranks Dancing 9 8.5 7.5 25 TC SPP Peter Chow  Nature Silver
Red-Crowned Cranks Dancing 9 8.5 7.5 25 TC SPP Peter Chow Nature Silver
J2 Excellent action with the birds, very nice composition with excellent exposure. Panasonic DMC-G85 26 1/1250 sec F13.0 ISO 400 FL 100
Bald Eagle 7.5 7 7.5 22 Victor Turczynski  Nature Gold
Bald Eagle 7.5 7 7.5 22 Victor Turczynski Nature Gold
Canon EOS 5D Mark III TAMRON SP 70-200mm F/2.8 Di VC USD A009 1/1250 sec F4.0 ISO 400 FL 98
Cinnamon Bears 9 8 8.5 25.5 TC GPP Geoff Dunn  Nature Gold
Cinnamon Bears 9 8 8.5 25.5 TC GPP Geoff Dunn Nature Gold
Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/1000 sec F5.6 ISO 800 FL 176
Eastern Kingbird 7 7.5 7 21.5 Geoffrey Skirrow  Nature Gold
Eastern Kingbird 7 7.5 7 21.5 Geoffrey Skirrow Nature Gold
Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM 1/1000 sec F7.1 ISO 250 FL 400
Syrphus Vitripennis 8 7.5 7.5 23 GPP Greg Alderson  Nature Gold
Syrphus Vitripennis 8 7.5 7.5 23 GPP Greg Alderson Nature Gold
NIKON D500 1/100 sec F18.0 ISO 2000 FL 180
Red-Bellied Woodpecker 8 8 7 23 GPP Brian Floyd  Nature Gold
Red-Bellied Woodpecker 8 8 7 23 GPP Brian Floyd Nature Gold
OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0 1/160 sec F4.0 ISO 500 FL 300
Cinnamon Bears 8 6.5 7.5 22 Gary Love  Nature Master
Cinnamon Bears 8 6.5 7.5 22 Gary Love Nature Master
J2 Good action with bears. Background is too pronounced (open the camera aperture), and the bears are soft (choose a faster shutter speed). Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM +1.4x III 1/640 sec F5.6 ISO 800 FL 150
Pollinating Bumble Bee 7 8 7 22 SPP Andy Langs  Nature Silver
Pollinating Bumble Bee 7 8 7 22 SPP Andy Langs Nature Silver
J1 There is sensor dust visible in the image.
Milkweed Pod 8 8.5 7.5 24 DP Heather Engel  Nature Master
Milkweed Pod 8 8.5 7.5 24 DP Heather Engel Nature Master
J2 Excellent composition, focus point and implied movement of the milkweed spores NIKON D300S 1/100 sec F10.0 ISO 200 FL 105
Tufted Titmouse 7.5 7 7 21.5 Gary Love  Nature Master
Tufted Titmouse 7.5 7 7 21.5 Gary Love Nature Master
Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF300mm f/2.8L IS USM +2x III 1/2500 sec F6.3 ISO 400 FL 600
Coyote 7.5 7 7.5 22 Dan Copeland  Nature Master
Coyote 7.5 7 7.5 22 Dan Copeland Nature Master
J2 Focus appears to be more sharp on the coyote nose rather than the eyes with this tightly cropped portrait Canon EOS 7D Mark II 633/1000000 sec F8.0 ISO 1000 FL 468
Song Sparrow 8 8 7 23 GPP Brian Floyd  Nature Gold
Song Sparrow 8 8 7 23 GPP Brian Floyd Nature Gold
OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0 1/800 sec F4.0 ISO 500 FL 300
Song Sparrow 2 7.5 8.5 7.5 23.5 GPP Greg Alderson  Nature Gold
Song Sparrow 2 7.5 8.5 7.5 23.5 GPP Greg Alderson Nature Gold
NIKON D500 1/2500 sec F7.1 ISO 1000 FL 500
Peregrine Falcon With Pigeon 8.5 8 8 24.5 HM GPP Pat Wintemute  Nature Gold
Peregrine Falcon With Pigeon 8.5 8 8 24.5 HM GPP Pat Wintemute Nature Gold
J2 Excellent action image. White background detracts from overall image. Canon EOS 70D 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM | Contemporary 015 1/1600 sec F6.3 ISO 1250 FL 600
Willet On The Beach 7.5 8 7.5 23 GPP Geoffrey Skirrow  Nature Gold
Willet On The Beach 7.5 8 7.5 23 GPP Geoffrey Skirrow Nature Gold
Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM 1/1250 sec F7.1 ISO 200 FL 400
Great Blue Heron With Fish 9 8.5 8.5 26 TC GPP Pat Wintemute  Nature Gold
Great Blue Heron With Fish 9 8.5 8.5 26 TC GPP Pat Wintemute Nature Gold
Canon EOS 70D EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/1600 sec F5.6 ISO 400 FL 349
Hagen'S Bluet 8 7.5 8 23.5 Heather Engel  Nature Master
Hagen'S Bluet 8 7.5 8 23.5 Heather Engel Nature Master
NIKON D300S 1/200 sec F8.0 ISO 800 FL 105
Himalayan Balsam 6 6.5 6 18.5 John Strung  Nature Gold
Himalayan Balsam 6 6.5 6 18.5 John Strung Nature Gold
OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII OLYMPUS M.12-100mm F4.0 1/40 sec F8.0 ISO 200 FL 100
Smoke On 7 7.5 8.5 23 GPP Graham Jardine  Pictorial Gold
Smoke On 7 7.5 8.5 23 GPP Graham Jardine Pictorial Gold
OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII M.40-150mm F2.8 + MC-14 1/3200 sec F4.0 ISO 200 FL 210
Sending A Msg To Santa 6 6.5 7.5 20 Dan Copeland  Pictorial Master
Sending A Msg To Santa 6 6.5 7.5 20 Dan Copeland Pictorial Master
J2 Good story with very busy content. The 3 very bright lights with the many other elements distract from the story. OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII 76923/1000000 sec F2.8 ISO 1600 FL 7
Harbour View 7 7.5 7 21.5 Graham Jardine  Pictorial Gold
Harbour View 7 7.5 7 21.5 Graham Jardine Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS-1D Mark II 1/60 sec F11.0 ISO 200 FL 75
Water Lily 7 8 7.5 22.5 Kathryn Martin  Pictorial Gold
Water Lily 7 8 7.5 22.5 Kathryn Martin Pictorial Gold
ILCE-7RM3 FE 90mm F2.8 Macro G OSS 1/250 sec F7.1 ISO 100 FL 90
Carnation 7 7.5 7.5 22 Claudia Povilauskas  Pictorial Gold
Carnation 7 7.5 7.5 22 Claudia Povilauskas Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS 6D Mark II EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM 3/10 sec F13.0 ISO 100 FL 100
Angry Sky 7 7 8 22 Patrick Mohide  Pictorial Gold
Angry Sky 7 7 8 22 Patrick Mohide Pictorial Gold
SONY ILCE-7RM2 FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS 1/200 sec F11.0 ISO 100 FL 24
All Eyes On You 7.5 7 7 21.5 BPP Marino Favretto  Pictorial Bronze
All Eyes On You 7.5 7 7 21.5 BPP Marino Favretto Pictorial Bronze
J1 This image best fits the creative category definition. Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS 1/200 sec F13.0 ISO 500 FL 80
Pitts Special Biplane 7.5 8 7.5 23 GPP Geoffrey Skirrow  Pictorial Gold
Pitts Special Biplane 7.5 8 7.5 23 GPP Geoffrey Skirrow Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS 7D Mark II 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM | Contemporary 015 1/3200 sec F7.1 ISO 400 FL 562
Alberto 8.5 8 7.5 24 HM GPP Victor Turczynski  Pictorial Gold
Alberto 8.5 8 7.5 24 HM GPP Victor Turczynski Pictorial Gold
FUJIFILM X-T2 XF55-200mmF3.5-4.8 R LM OIS 1/320 sec F4.4 ISO 200 FL 128
Alstroemeria 8 7.5 8.5 24 HM GPP Kathryn Martin  Pictorial Gold
Alstroemeria 8 7.5 8.5 24 HM GPP Kathryn Martin Pictorial Gold
SONY ILCE-7RM3 FE 90mm F2.8 Macro G OSS 1/50 sec F5.6 ISO 100 FL 90
Bomber Air Show 8 7 7 22 SPP Carey Hope  Pictorial Silver
Bomber Air Show 8 7 7 22 SPP Carey Hope Pictorial Silver
J2 Well focused, with excellent color contrast of bomber against blue sky. There are a few dusts spots that show in the background (lower left & top right most noticeable). NIKON D750 150.0-600.0 mm f/5.0-6.3 1/2000 sec F10.0 ISO 800 FL 390
I See You 6.5 7 7.5 21 Roy Oldfield  Pictorial Gold
I See You 6.5 7 7.5 21 Roy Oldfield Pictorial Gold
J3 The direct interaction with the subject adds impact and also emphasizes the subject's emotion to having his picture taken which adds to the story. A bit tight in the frame especially at the top and could be cropped in on the left a bit as the wall is rather bright. A shallower depth of field would help blur out some of the background distractions that merge with the subject. Panasonic DMC-ZS45 1/100 sec F5.2 ISO 100 FL 15.1
Red Hibiscus 6.5 7 6.5 20 Elzbieta Piskorz  Pictorial Gold
Red Hibiscus 6.5 7 6.5 20 Elzbieta Piskorz Pictorial Gold
NIKON D610 35.0 mm f/1.8 1/80 sec F16.0 ISO 100 FL 35
Vancouver 7.5 7 7 21.5 Ewa Rakowski  Pictorial Silver
Vancouver 7.5 7 7 21.5 Ewa Rakowski Pictorial Silver
EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY KODAK EASYSHARE M341 Digital Camera 1/250 sec F3.5 ISO 80 FL 7.8
Giles 202 At London On Airshow 7.5 7 6.5 21 John Strung  Pictorial Gold
Giles 202 At London On Airshow 7.5 7 6.5 21 John Strung Pictorial Gold
OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII OLYMPUS M.300mm F4.0 1/5000 sec F6.3 ISO 640 FL 300
Breakfast At Tim'S 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 SPP Serge Priffer  Pictorial Silver
Breakfast At Tim'S 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 SPP Serge Priffer Pictorial Silver
J2 Image conveys a strong story. Image made at correct level. The eyes of the subject should be more sharp. NIKON D810 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/1000 sec F5.6 ISO 400 FL 230
Spiked 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 Claudia Povilauskas  Pictorial Gold
Spiked 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 Claudia Povilauskas Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS 6D Mark II EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM 5/2 sec F10.0 ISO 100
Whooping Swan In Hot Spring 7.5 8 8 23.5 HM SPP Peter Chow  Pictorial Silver
Whooping Swan In Hot Spring 7.5 8 8 23.5 HM SPP Peter Chow Pictorial Silver
J1 This image belongs in nature. Panasonic DMC-G85 1/500 sec F9.0 ISO 200 FL 100
The Human Element 8 7.5 6 21.5 David Evans  Pictorial Gold
The Human Element 8 7.5 6 21.5 David Evans Pictorial Gold
J2 Great choice of landscape scene with clearcuts ... good story. With title and clearcuts the image could benefit from more depth of field. The B & W treatment (conversion) works for fore and mid grounds but not so well for the sky. Canon PowerShot G9 X Mark II 10.2-30.6 mm 1/1000 sec F4.9 ISO 250 FL 30.6
Happy 65 Gorgeous 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 Bela Acs  Pictorial Master
Happy 65 Gorgeous 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 Bela Acs Pictorial Master
FUJIFILM X-T10 XF35mmF2 R WR 1/200 sec F6.4 ISO 400 FL 35
Newfoundland Beach At Sunset 8 7.5 8 23.5 HM SPP Carey Hope  Pictorial Silver
Newfoundland Beach At Sunset 8 7.5 8 23.5 HM SPP Carey Hope Pictorial Silver
J1 There is sensor dust visible in this image. NIKON D750 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8 10 sec F20.0 ISO 400 FL 24
Discarded Auto Parts 7.5 7 7 21.5 Patrick Mohide  Pictorial Gold
Discarded Auto Parts 7.5 7 7 21.5 Patrick Mohide Pictorial Gold
SONY ILCE-7RM2 Voigtlander SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 III 4 sec F8.0 ISO 100 FL 15
Bolivian Ridge 7 7 7 21 Ed Espin  Pictorial Gold
Bolivian Ridge 7 7 7 21 Ed Espin Pictorial Gold
J2 There are a number of, what appear to be, sensor dust spots on the image from the middle ground into the sky at the left of image.
Demonstration Dog 7.5 6 7.5 21 Patrick Mohide  Pictorial Gold
Demonstration Dog 7.5 6 7.5 21 Patrick Mohide Pictorial Gold
SONY ILCE-7RM2 FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS 1/350 sec F11.0 ISO 10000 FL 70
Rose Peruvian Lily 7 9 7.5 23.5 GPP Claudia Povilauskas  Pictorial Gold
Rose Peruvian Lily 7 9 7.5 23.5 GPP Claudia Povilauskas Pictorial Gold
J2 Excellent colors & pattern against the black background. Lighting is even and skilfully diffused. Canon EOS 6D Mark II EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM 1/15 sec F11.0 ISO 100 FL 100
General Store Cape Breton 6.5 7 7.5 21 John Strung  Pictorial Gold
General Store Cape Breton 6.5 7 7.5 21 John Strung Pictorial Gold
OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII OLYMPUS M.12-100mm F4.0 1/5 sec F4.0 FL 12
Sunset At Bruce Mines - Ontario 6.5 7 6 19.5 Herb McClelland  Pictorial Silver
Sunset At Bruce Mines - Ontario 6.5 7 6 19.5 Herb McClelland Pictorial Silver
NIKON D800 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8 1/10 sec F8.0 ISO 1250 FL 42
Tackle In The Rain 7.5 8.5 8 24 HM GPP Greg Alderson  Pictorial Gold
Tackle In The Rain 7.5 8.5 8 24 HM GPP Greg Alderson Pictorial Gold
J2 Excellent action shot with good depth of filed choice. NIKON D500 1/2000 sec F5.0 ISO 2500 FL 220
In Nepal 7 7 6.5 20.5 Ewa Rakowski  Pictorial Silver
In Nepal 7 7 6.5 20.5 Ewa Rakowski Pictorial Silver
PENTAX K10D 1/90 sec F4.5 ISO 100 FL 70
Table For Two 8.5 7.5 7.5 23.5 Doug Doede  Pictorial Master
Table For Two 8.5 7.5 7.5 23.5 Doug Doede Pictorial Master
PENTAX K-S2 100/3999 sec F5.0 ISO 100 FL 15
Plantation Morning  Light 7 7.5 6.5 21 Judy Boufford  Pictorial Gold
Plantation Morning Light 7 7.5 6.5 21 Judy Boufford Pictorial Gold
NIKON D7500 18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/6 sec F16.0 ISO 100 FL 50
Empty Net (Taken Wth 37 Holga)  6 6.5 6.5 19 Patrick Mohide  Pictorial Gold
Empty Net (Taken Wth 37 Holga) 6 6.5 6.5 19 Patrick Mohide Pictorial Gold
J1 The composition of this image is eerie and provides a strong sense of "mood". The contrast and choice to make it BnW also contribute to the mood strengthening its story. The hockey net is not in focus which this judge finds distracting instead of contributing to the image. NIKON SUPER COOLSCAN 9000 ED
Olivia 8.5 8 7.5 24 HM GPP Ted Buck  Pictorial Gold
Olivia 8.5 8 7.5 24 HM GPP Ted Buck Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS 6D EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM 1/160 sec F8.0 ISO 160 FL 42
Subway Sleepers 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 David Evans  Pictorial Gold
Subway Sleepers 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 David Evans Pictorial Gold
Apple iPhone 6s iPhone 6s back camera 4.15mm f/2.2 1/30 sec F2.2 ISO 160 FL 4.2
Window Boxes 6.5 7 7.5 21 Kathryn Martin  Pictorial Gold
Window Boxes 6.5 7 7.5 21 Kathryn Martin Pictorial Gold
NIKON D7500 18.0-105.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/800 sec F16.0 ISO 200 FL 18
Discover The Financial District 7 7.5 6.5 21 David Evans  Pictorial Gold
Discover The Financial District 7 7.5 6.5 21 David Evans Pictorial Gold
Canon PowerShot G9 X Mark II 10.2-30.6 mm 1/50 sec F4.0 ISO 160 FL 17.6
Peony Flower & Bud 8.5 8 7 23.5 GPP Judy Boufford  Pictorial Gold
Peony Flower & Bud 8.5 8 7 23.5 GPP Judy Boufford Pictorial Gold
NIKON D7500 70.0-200.0 mm f/2.8 1/640 sec F11.0 ISO 100 FL 200
Flying Trio 7 8 7.5 22.5 Bertin Francoeur  Pictorial Gold
Flying Trio 7 8 7.5 22.5 Bertin Francoeur Pictorial Gold
FUJIFILM X-T2 XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR 1/1400 sec F5.6 ISO 200 FL 94.5
Scotland Vista  Pictorial Gold
Scotland Vista Pictorial Gold
J1 The composition of this image shows potential but there is too much colour noise. (Possible causes 1- a dark image where one has tried to increase the exposure during post processing (underexposed) and 2- Using a very high ISO). In post processing the luminance slider in ACR could have helped to reduce some of the noise.
Family Portrait 7 7.5 7.5 22 Graham Jardine  Pictorial Gold
Family Portrait 7 7.5 7.5 22 Graham Jardine Pictorial Gold
OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII OLYMPUS M.45mm F1.8 1/2000 sec F2.2 ISO 200 FL 45
Burlington Pier 7.5 8 7.5 23 SPP Carey Hope  Pictorial Silver
Burlington Pier 7.5 8 7.5 23 SPP Carey Hope Pictorial Silver
J2 Some minor sensor spots NIKON D750 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8 237 sec F20.0 FL 36
Yellow Daisy 7.5 7 7.5 22 Claudia Povilauskas  Pictorial Gold
Yellow Daisy 7.5 7 7.5 22 Claudia Povilauskas Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS 6D Mark II EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM 1/4 sec F13.0 ISO 100
Fanning Island Youth  Pictorial Gold
Fanning Island Youth Pictorial Gold
J1 The maker has captured an adorable expression on the child but has missed the focus. 3 possible causes include 1- wrong focal point 2- too slow a shutter speed 3- the maker is having trouble holding the camera ( in which case a tripod might be of benefit). J2 Good choice of child to photograph, including the expressive face. Unfortunately the child's face, and specifically his eyes are not in focus. By lowering the camera position to at least eye level, and opening the aperture to blur the background would strengthen the image. Panasonic DMC-ZS45 1/60 sec F5.0 ISO 100 FL 13.3
Budding Tulips 7.5 7 7 21.5 Judy Moniz  Pictorial Silver
Budding Tulips 7.5 7 7 21.5 Judy Moniz Pictorial Silver
NIKON D3300 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/40 sec F10.0 ISO 400 FL 98
Rainy Day 6.5 7.5 7 21 Ewa Rakowski  Pictorial Silver
Rainy Day 6.5 7.5 7 21 Ewa Rakowski Pictorial Silver
PENTAX K10D 1/500 sec F9.5 ISO 200 FL 45
Standing Guard 6.5 7 7 20.5 Graham Jardine  Pictorial Gold
Standing Guard 6.5 7 7 20.5 Graham Jardine Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS-1D Mark II 1/250 sec F11.0 ISO 200 FL 115
Donna 1 7 7.5 6.5 21 Ted Buck  Pictorial Gold
Donna 1 7 7.5 6.5 21 Ted Buck Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS 6D EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM 1/500 sec F4.0 ISO 100 FL 70
Dark Side Of Sarah 8 7 7 22 BPP Marino Favretto  Pictorial Bronze
Dark Side Of Sarah 8 7 7 22 BPP Marino Favretto Pictorial Bronze
Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS 1/200 sec F13.0 ISO 500 FL 80
Taking The Start 7 8 7 22 Graham Jardine  Pictorial Gold
Taking The Start 7 8 7 22 Graham Jardine Pictorial Gold
OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII OLYMPUS M.40-150mm F2.8 1/640 sec F8.0 ISO 400 FL 64
Myknee 6.5 6 6 18.5 John Bunyon  Pictorial Silver
Myknee 6.5 6 6 18.5 John Bunyon Pictorial Silver
samsung SM-A520W 1/15 sec F1.9 ISO 800 FL 3.6
Kiwi 7 7 7 21 Elzbieta Piskorz  Pictorial Gold
Kiwi 7 7 7 21 Elzbieta Piskorz Pictorial Gold
NIKON D610 1/40 sec F7.1 ISO 100 FL 105
White Peony 7 8 7.5 22.5 SPP Judy Moniz  Pictorial Silver
White Peony 7 8 7.5 22.5 SPP Judy Moniz Pictorial Silver
NIKON D3300 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/640 sec F11.0 ISO 400 FL 44
Oooops 6.5 7 6.5 20 John Bunyon  Pictorial Silver
Oooops 6.5 7 6.5 20 John Bunyon Pictorial Silver
samsung SM-A520W 1/154 sec F1.9 ISO 8000 FL 3.6
Arctic 7.5 7.5 6.5 21.5 Ewa Rakowski  Pictorial Silver
Arctic 7.5 7.5 6.5 21.5 Ewa Rakowski Pictorial Silver
Apple iPad (5th generation) iPad (5th generation) back camera 3.3mm f/2.4 1/2809 sec F2.4 ISO 5000 FL 3.3
Calm Morning At 50 Point 6.5 7 7 20.5 Heather Engel  Pictorial Master
Calm Morning At 50 Point 6.5 7 7 20.5 Heather Engel Pictorial Master
J2 Good composition and color choices; focus should be more precise on all the posts. Some dust spots on sensor show in sky. NIKON D300S 1 sec F32.0 ISO 200 FL 48
After The Storm 6.5 6.5 6.5 19.5 Serge Priffer  Pictorial Silver
After The Storm 6.5 6.5 6.5 19.5 Serge Priffer Pictorial Silver
NIKON D700 70.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-5.6 1/100 sec F16.0 ISO 200 FL 122
Amorphous 7.5 7.5 7 22 SPP John Bunyon  Pictorial Silver
Amorphous 7.5 7.5 7 22 SPP John Bunyon Pictorial Silver
J2 Simple subject well photographed. Frame corners are somewhat distracting. samsung SM-A520W 1/100 sec F1.9 ISO 8000 FL 3.6
Julia 7 7.5 7.5 22 Victor Turczynski  Pictorial Gold
Julia 7 7.5 7.5 22 Victor Turczynski Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS 5D Mark III Tamron SP 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD (Canon EF) 1/80 sec F3.2 ISO 400 FL 125
Dane 8 8 7.5 23.5 GPP Ted Buck  Pictorial Gold
Dane 8 8 7.5 23.5 GPP Ted Buck Pictorial Gold
J3 The composition is handled well with the pose and is quite strong. A direct gaze at the camera would have increased the impact. A bit tight on the right near the foot. Suggest cropping the left to remove that sliver between the frame and headboard. Try toning down the back ground slightly to bring focus back to the subject, alternatively, a slight vignette might do the trick as well. Just a note on the moles on back and her cheek - if this is meant to be a portrait, keep them, Fine art - remove. Canon EOS 6D EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM 1/160 sec F8.0 ISO 160 FL 70
Rannunculus. 6.5 7 6.5 20 Judy Moniz  Pictorial Silver
Rannunculus. 6.5 7 6.5 20 Judy Moniz Pictorial Silver
NIKON D3300 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/25 sec F13.0 ISO 400 FL 45
Sunrise At Burlington Pier 8 8 7.5 23.5 Bela Acs  Pictorial Master
Sunrise At Burlington Pier 8 8 7.5 23.5 Bela Acs Pictorial Master
J1 The horizon on this image is slightly crooked which is unfortunate because this is otherwise a spectacular image. Sony FE 24-105mm F4 G OSS 1/2 sec F16.0 ISO 200 FL 24
Lakeshore Tree 7.5 7.5 6.5 21.5 Ed Espin  Pictorial Gold
Lakeshore Tree 7.5 7.5 6.5 21.5 Ed Espin Pictorial Gold
J2 Interesting scene, good composition, focus etc. The tonal range of the image is relatively compressed and as result the scene lacks some emotion.
Follow Me 7.5 6.5 7.5 21.5 Peter Chow  Pictorial Silver
Follow Me 7.5 6.5 7.5 21.5 Peter Chow Pictorial Silver
J1 This image is out of category and by club rules belongs in nature. Otherwise the composition is wonderful with great impact. The maker has been a tad heavy handed with the noise reduction slider in post processing. The image lacks any of the noise that brings a sense of texture to an image. Removing that much noise from the sky can give wonderful results, but not so with the birds. J2 This image appears to meet the Nature requirements. Panasonic DMC-G85 ?+? ?f! 1/1000 sec F8.0 ISO 200 FL 167
Before Sunrise 6.5 6.5 6.5 19.5 Serge Priffer  Pictorial Silver
Before Sunrise 6.5 6.5 6.5 19.5 Serge Priffer Pictorial Silver
J2 Be careful about the noise in the image, particularly in sky and trees at edge framing NIKON D700 70.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-5.6 1/60 sec F4.5 ISO 1000 FL 75
Cone Flower 6 7 7 20 Leonie Holmes  Pictorial Gold
Cone Flower 6 7 7 20 Leonie Holmes Pictorial Gold
NIKON D3X 1/500 sec F5.6 ISO 400 FL 300
Thunderlight 8 8.5 7 23.5 GPP Bertin Francoeur  Pictorial Gold
Thunderlight 8 8.5 7 23.5 GPP Bertin Francoeur Pictorial Gold
J2 Excellent subject for the portrait. Lighting is handled very well, specially for the eyes. SONY ILCE-7RM3 FE 70-200mm F4 G OSS 1/500 sec F4.0 ISO 400 FL 200
Once A Field, Now A Forest 7 6.5 7 20.5 Mike Mulvale  Pictorial Bronze
Once A Field, Now A Forest 7 6.5 7 20.5 Mike Mulvale Pictorial Bronze
J1 This image has good exposure, composition, sharpness and depth of field. Perhaps more dynamic lighting may have helped to improve it's impact.
Melting Away 7 7.5 6.5 21 Serge Priffer  Pictorial Silver
Melting Away 7 7.5 6.5 21 Serge Priffer Pictorial Silver
NIKON D810 70.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-5.6 1/10 sec F40.0 ISO 100 FL 240
Canadian Premier League Action 8.5 8 8 24.5 HM GPP Jim Maguire  Pictorial Gold
Canadian Premier League Action 8.5 8 8 24.5 HM GPP Jim Maguire Pictorial Gold
NIKON D7500 80.0-400.0 mm f/4.5-5.6 1/640 sec F6.3 ISO 1000 FL 110
Humble Hope 7.5 8 8 23.5 GPP Ed Espin  Pictorial Gold
Humble Hope 7.5 8 8 23.5 GPP Ed Espin Pictorial Gold
J1 This image really belongs in creative. The concept is wonderful and was skillfully executed. The lighting has left a distracting glare at the base of the chess piece. This may have been avoided with the use of soft ambient lighting. This probably means that a longer shutter speed would have been necessary and therefore a tripod to keep the focus from becoming soft.
Native Indian 7.5 7.5 7 22 Victor Turczynski  Pictorial Gold
Native Indian 7.5 7.5 7 22 Victor Turczynski Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS 5D Mark III EF85mm f/1.8 USM 1/1250 sec F2.5 ISO 400 FL 85
White Primula  Pictorial Silver
White Primula Pictorial Silver
J1 The whites in this image are overexposed with almost no detail. It has been over processed leaving a contrast halo around the flower. There is chromatic aberration that could be removed in post processing. The orientation of the flower is facing out of the image and this will cause the viewers eyes to leave an image instead of being drawn into the image. NIKON D3300 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/200 sec F7.1 ISO 800 FL 92
Nonna'S Grapes Are The Best 7.5 9.5 7.5 24.5 HM GPP Bertin Francoeur  Pictorial Gold
Nonna'S Grapes Are The Best 7.5 9.5 7.5 24.5 HM GPP Bertin Francoeur Pictorial Gold
J2 Excellent lighting, composition, color and gesture SONY ILCE-7RM3 FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM 1/40 sec F11.0 ISO 100 FL 64
Donna3 7 7 7 21 Ted Buck  Pictorial Gold
Donna3 7 7 7 21 Ted Buck Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS 6D EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM 1/500 sec F8.0 ISO 800 FL 25
Vintage Ships Wheel 6.5 6 7.5 20 Geoff Dunn  Pictorial Gold
Vintage Ships Wheel 6.5 6 7.5 20 Geoff Dunn Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS 5D Mark III EF24-105mm f/4L IS II USM 1/160 sec F4.0 ISO 100 FL 76
Burlington Pier, Early Morning 7.5 7 7 21.5 Jim Maguire  Pictorial Gold
Burlington Pier, Early Morning 7.5 7 7 21.5 Jim Maguire Pictorial Gold
J2 Good use of color, as well as tonal contrast. There appear to be a few sensor dust spots in clouds and noise issues (left side above horizon). NIKON D7500 18.0-140.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/4 sec F16.0 ISO 1000 FL 26
Poppies 6.5 7 6.5 20 Judy Moniz  Pictorial Silver
Poppies 6.5 7 6.5 20 Judy Moniz Pictorial Silver
J2 Perhaps a minus 1/2 to 3/4 stop of light would reduce the harshness and soften the contrast. NIKON D3300 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/500 sec F6.3 ISO 400 FL 58
Home On The Bench 7.5 8 7.5 23 SPP Serge Priffer  Pictorial Silver
Home On The Bench 7.5 8 7.5 23 SPP Serge Priffer Pictorial Silver
NIKON D810 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/800 sec F5.6 ISO 640 FL 135
School Bus Memories 7 7 7.5 21.5 James Hamilton  Pictorial Gold
School Bus Memories 7 7 7.5 21.5 James Hamilton Pictorial Gold
J1 The title of this image explains why it is full of noise and lacks clear focus. The main subject seems to be the drivers seat and it is very centered in the image. Sometimes breaking the rule of thirds works. But in this case, cropping or recomposing to keep the rule may have been an improvement.
Fanning Island Youth With Hat? 6 7.5 6.5 20 Roy Oldfield  Pictorial Gold
Fanning Island Youth With Hat? 6 7.5 6.5 20 Roy Oldfield Pictorial Gold
Panasonic DMC-ZS50 1/1000 sec F3.3 ISO 1600 FL 4.3
Lancaster Bomber 8 7.5 7 22.5 Geoffrey Skirrow  Pictorial Gold
Lancaster Bomber 8 7.5 7 22.5 Geoffrey Skirrow Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS 7D Mark II 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM | Contemporary 015 1/3200 sec F7.1 ISO 400 FL 200
Bolivian Landscape 6.5 7.5 7 21 Ed Espin  Pictorial Gold
Bolivian Landscape 6.5 7.5 7 21 Ed Espin Pictorial Gold
J2 Good choice of subject with person inserted to add scale. Appear to be sensor dust spots in sky (on left side).
Lilium Salmon Star 8 8 8 24 HM GPP Geoff Dunn  Pictorial Gold
Lilium Salmon Star 8 8 8 24 HM GPP Geoff Dunn Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS 5D Mark III EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM 5/2 sec F16.0 ISO 100 FL 100
Donna2 6.5 7 7 20.5 Ted Buck  Pictorial Gold
Donna2 6.5 7 7 20.5 Ted Buck Pictorial Gold
Canon EOS 6D EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM 1/160 sec F8.0 ISO 800 FL 45
What Dreams Are Made Of 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 Bertin Francoeur  Pictorial Gold
What Dreams Are Made Of 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 Bertin Francoeur Pictorial Gold
FUJIFILM X-T2 XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R LM OIS 1/850 sec F9.0 ISO 200 FL 40.7
Rose Detail 6.5 7 6 19.5 Roy Oldfield  Pictorial Gold
Rose Detail 6.5 7 6 19.5 Roy Oldfield Pictorial Gold
Panasonic DMC-ZS45 1/60 sec F4.2 ISO 250 FL 8.5