Ghost Of Trees Past 6.5 6.5 6 19 Dan Copeland Creative Master
J3 While this multiple exposure technique is handled well, there still needs to be stronger element of either patterns, textures or a strong focal point of some sort to create interest and add further impact. OLYMPUS E-M1MarkII .7x EF28-300/3.7-5.6L IS USM 1/2 sec F18.0 ISO 64 FL 20
B And W Abstract 7.5 7 7.5 22 Victor Turczynski Creative Gold
J3 The geometric patterns of the stairs add a lot of interest and that's where the strength lies in this contrasty image. Try cropping the bottom lower left window out to direct the eye back up. If possible, try to square up the image so the view is perpendicular to the wall instead of an angle - perspective correction in Photoshop would help. FUJIFILM X-T2 XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R LM OIS 1/320 sec F8.0 ISO 200 FL 18.8
Your What 6 6.5 6 18.5 John Bunyon Creative Silver
J1 This image would have benefit from a larger DOF allowing for the main subjects to be more in focus. It is also possible that a higher shutter speed and/or use of a tripod may have also helped this image be sharper. samsung SM-A520W 1/17 sec F1.9 ISO 160 FL 3.6
Mallard Duck 7 6 6.5 19.5 John King Nature Gold
J3 There is a nature story captured here with the duck shaking off the water, but the image is a bit soft in detail and we're losing detail in the darker feathers of the bird. A faster shutter speed would help as well as stopping down further to increase depth of field. Increase the ISO to overexpose slightly to get details in the blacks. The head is also in an awkward position as we only see the underside and not the eyes.
Great Blue Heron 8.5 7.5 8 24 HM GPP Pat Wintemute Nature Gold
J2 Excellent exposure, shutterspeed choices and composition. Background compliments the reddish brown color markings of the heron. Focus appears to be at the lower legs and not on the eye of the bird. Canon EOS 70D EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/1600 sec F5.6 ISO 320 FL 278
Natures Red Carpet 6.5 6 5.5 18 Marino Favretto Nature Bronze
J1 This image is out of category. This is a landscape and according to this club's rules belongs in pictorial. The hand of man is clearly visible. J2 The 'hand of man' shown with the picnic table suggests this image is in the incorrect category. Perhaps it should be considered as pictorial. J3 Note: Bench = HoM Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS 1/30 sec F9.0 ISO 200 FL 30
Wild Columbine 6.5 7.5 6.5 20.5 Jim Thomson Nature Gold
J1 This image has a beautiful bokeh background created by a shallow depth of field, but this came at a cost as not enough of the main subject is in focus. Using a smaller aperture or focus stacking may have been considered.
Cinnamon Bears 8 6.5 7.5 22 Gary Love Nature Master
J2 Good action with bears. Background is too pronounced (open the camera aperture), and the bears are soft (choose a faster shutter speed). Canon EOS 7D Mark II EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM +1.4x III 1/640 sec F5.6 ISO 800 FL 150
Bomber Air Show 8 7 7 22 SPP Carey Hope Pictorial Silver
J2 Well focused, with excellent color contrast of bomber against blue sky. There are a few dusts spots that show in the background (lower left & top right most noticeable). NIKON D750 150.0-600.0 mm f/5.0-6.3 1/2000 sec F10.0 ISO 800 FL 390
I See You 6.5 7 7.5 21 Roy Oldfield Pictorial Gold
J3 The direct interaction with the subject adds impact and also emphasizes the subject's emotion to having his picture taken which adds to the story. A bit tight in the frame especially at the top and could be cropped in on the left a bit as the wall is rather bright. A shallower depth of field would help blur out some of the background distractions that merge with the subject. Panasonic DMC-ZS45 1/100 sec F5.2 ISO 100 FL 15.1
The Human Element 8 7.5 6 21.5 David Evans Pictorial Gold
J2 Great choice of landscape scene with clearcuts ... good story. With title and clearcuts the image could benefit from more depth of field. The B & W treatment (conversion) works for fore and mid grounds but not so well for the sky. Canon PowerShot G9 X Mark II 10.2-30.6 mm 1/1000 sec F4.9 ISO 250 FL 30.6
Empty Net (Taken Wth 37 Holga) 6 6.5 6.5 19 Patrick Mohide Pictorial Gold
J1 The composition of this image is eerie and provides a strong sense of "mood". The contrast and choice to make it BnW also contribute to the mood strengthening its story. The hockey net is not in focus which this judge finds distracting instead of contributing to the image. NIKON SUPER COOLSCAN 9000 ED
Scotland Vista Pictorial Gold
J1 The composition of this image shows potential but there is too much colour noise. (Possible causes 1- a dark image where one has tried to increase the exposure during post processing (underexposed) and 2- Using a very high ISO). In post processing the luminance slider in ACR could have helped to reduce some of the noise.
Fanning Island Youth Pictorial Gold
J1 The maker has captured an adorable expression on the child but has missed the focus. 3 possible causes include 1- wrong focal point 2- too slow a shutter speed 3- the maker is having trouble holding the camera ( in which case a tripod might be of benefit). J2 Good choice of child to photograph, including the expressive face. Unfortunately the child's face, and specifically his eyes are not in focus. By lowering the camera position to at least eye level, and opening the aperture to blur the background would strengthen the image. Panasonic DMC-ZS45 1/60 sec F5.0 ISO 100 FL 13.3
Dane 8 8 7.5 23.5 GPP Ted Buck Pictorial Gold
J3 The composition is handled well with the pose and is quite strong. A direct gaze at the camera would have increased the impact. A bit tight on the right near the foot. Suggest cropping the left to remove that sliver between the frame and headboard. Try toning down the back ground slightly to bring focus back to the subject, alternatively, a slight vignette might do the trick as well. Just a note on the moles on back and her cheek - if this is meant to be a portrait, keep them, Fine art - remove. Canon EOS 6D EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM 1/160 sec F8.0 ISO 160 FL 70
Follow Me 7.5 6.5 7.5 21.5 Peter Chow Pictorial Silver
J1 This image is out of category and by club rules belongs in nature. Otherwise the composition is wonderful with great impact. The maker has been a tad heavy handed with the noise reduction slider in post processing. The image lacks any of the noise that brings a sense of texture to an image. Removing that much noise from the sky can give wonderful results, but not so with the birds. J2 This image appears to meet the Nature requirements. Panasonic DMC-G85 ?+? ?f! 1/1000 sec F8.0 ISO 200 FL 167
Humble Hope 7.5 8 8 23.5 GPP Ed Espin Pictorial Gold
J1 This image really belongs in creative. The concept is wonderful and was skillfully executed. The lighting has left a distracting glare at the base of the chess piece. This may have been avoided with the use of soft ambient lighting. This probably means that a longer shutter speed would have been necessary and therefore a tripod to keep the focus from becoming soft.
White Primula Pictorial Silver
J1 The whites in this image are overexposed with almost no detail. It has been over processed leaving a contrast halo around the flower. There is chromatic aberration that could be removed in post processing. The orientation of the flower is facing out of the image and this will cause the viewers eyes to leave an image instead of being drawn into the image. NIKON D3300 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/200 sec F7.1 ISO 800 FL 92
School Bus Memories 7 7 7.5 21.5 James Hamilton Pictorial Gold
J1 The title of this image explains why it is full of noise and lacks clear focus. The main subject seems to be the drivers seat and it is very centered in the image. Sometimes breaking the rule of thirds works. But in this case, cropping or recomposing to keep the rule may have been an improvement.