Forest Abstract 20 Creative Gold Victor Turczynski
J3 Too cluttered with repeated shapes and effect is jarring. Foreground pathway is too bright and should be toned down. The right side of image is particularly undefined and would be better cropped out, say 15 - 20 %. EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM 1/60 sec F4.0
Window on LaSalle 23 Creative Silver SPP Janet McNally
J1 Space is divided unevenly (good)so the viewer sees a different and interesting image through each quadrant. Gives the illusion of weather & depth, so very thoughtfully creative. White frame creates more dimension, taking viewer eyes into the image. 18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/5 sec F20.0
Heritage Cottage at Westfield 22.5 Creative Gold Geoff Dunn
J1 Thoughtfully composed. Vibrant color choice for windows and door frame. The reds are very saturated, so tends to compete with the windows and door frame color. Viewers eye drawn back to the reds. Consider opening the shadows to allow for glimpse into the doorway. Magenta tone upper right corner ...? J3 Pleasant painterly image but lacks altered reality for its creative category. EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM 1/100 sec F14.0
Halloween Night 25 Creative Gold HM GPP Ezbieta Piskorz
J3 Very creative and eerie but fun image. Tree shapes are particularly effective. Could be improved if tree on right side was not cropped. Ground has square shapes underlying which detract slightly. 50.0 mm f/1.4 1/125 sec F16.0
Pine Marten 22 Nature Gold Dan Copeland
J1 Nice white snow. Lacks sharpness with this central composition. J3 Would be improved if marten not in centre. EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM 1/160 sec F6.3
Two Red-tailed Hawks 22.5 Nature Gold Pat Wintemute
J2 Wonderful behavioral image. The bird with back to maker is too predominant as face is not in image. The bird facing maker could be sharper as breast not sharp. The blacks in the tail feathers are blocked up ie no detail. J3 good story, feathers not sharp, better if you could see the foreground bird's eyes and beak EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/800 sec F5.0
Variable Dancer Female 22.5 Nature Master Heather Engel
J1 Very good image of the variable dancer on stock with excellent complimentary background. The image appears to be sharp, however lighting could be decreased by about 1/3 -1/2 stop. There are some distracting elements (about four) between the wings and perch. J3 good bokeh and compositon, unusual pieces of wings in the background seem unnatural, 1/400 sec F8.0
Snowy Owl 25.5 Nature Gold TC GPP Pat Wintemute
J1 Great flight shot, which includes the environment. The viewer is able to see both the detailed beauty of the bird and where it currently inhabits. EF70-200mm f/4L IS USM 1/2000 sec F9.0
Female Northern Cardinal 23.5 Nature Gold GPP Bela Acs
J2 Lovely side and rear view of subject. A slight head turn to maker would enhance the image. The background is somewhat distracting with competing colors. More definition and contrast in foreground would enhance image even greater J3 Sharp with good colour. Ice is well detailed. snowflake on beak adds to the winter story. Some white spots in background are a minor distraction. XF55-200mmF3.5-4.8 R LM OIS 1/250 sec F7.1
Great Horned Owl 23.5 Nature Gold GPP Jeanne Pickles
J2 The maker was extremely fortunate to get a great horned owl out in the open and on a stump J3 good pose, treeline at level with owl and light exposure on post detracts EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/2000 sec F8.0
LESSER YELLOWLEGS 21.5 Nature Gold Jim Swire
J1 Lovely background, and shape of the bird in the frame. The focus appears to be on the legs and tail feathers, leaving the eye soft. EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM +1.4x III 1/500 sec F11.0
Zebras & Wildebeast 23 Nature Gold GPP John Chapman
J1 Great light with the animals in their environment. J3 tone is good, foreground animal looking ahead, would improve if background animals not merging into main subject. 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8 1/1250 sec F8.0
Leopard 21.5 Nature Silver John Lamont
J1 Leopards are interesting to see, & to photograph. In this image the tree is more dominant than the leopard, and the tail of the animal is cut off leading the view out of the frame. J3 strong story, leopard well posed, chromatic aberration in trunk and branches, brighter light on tree at the bottom takes eye away from subject. 80.0-400.0 mm f/4.5-5.6 1/500 sec F5.3
Little blue heron 22 Nature Gold Jim Maguire
J3 well captured in flight, some haloing off of wings, one dust spot and clumping in water reflection especially in bottom right hand corner. 80.0-400.0 mm f/4.5-5.6 1/1600 sec F8.0
Female red-winged blackbird 25.5 Nature Gold TC GPP David Evans
J1 Very good lighting, color perch and background. The bulrush perch is cut off at the bottom of frame. J3 excellent tonality of bird and background, reeds in background help show environment, bird placed centrally and some further spaee to right side would have improved. EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM +1.4x III 1/500 sec F11.0
Red Fox 26 Nature Master TC DP Marilyn Jarrett
J1 Great winter scene of fox with expression. J3 excellent expression, fox looks unnaturally bright compared to the background. Tip of tail should be toned down. EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM 1/2000 sec F5.6
Lassen Mudpot 21.5 Pictorial Gold Kathy Leisti
J3 Good capture of the splash. Splashed would be better off centre with a crop of about 15 - 20 % on right side. Top right corner is bright and should be darkened perhaps with a vignette.
Frozen 24.5 Pictorial Bronze TC BPP Bo Chen
J1 Great scene for creating the feeling of cold, horizon placed well. If you are not against cropping the image, you could crop in from the left side, to just outside the first ovoid without losing any visual impact.
Diving In 22.5 Pictorial Silver SPP Bill West
J1 Light and colours are very well handled. Composition not quite perfect. Think about standing back a little to include the feet of the bench and a little more of pier support on right. 10.0-20.0 mm f/3.5 1/50 sec F3.5
KNITTING 20 Pictorial Silver Serge Priffer
J3 Interesting story and expression. Chair back in foreground takes out a piece of subject. Multiple colours in background distract. Suggest a monochrome would work better. 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/1000 sec F5.6
Rhiana 22 Pictorial Silver SPP Ted Buck
J3 Good mood and expression. Would be better if eyes were slightly open. Bright shoulder line detracts. Part of finger merged with body is minor consideration.
The Thinkers 23 Pictorial Silver SPP Patrick Mohide
J3 Nice graphic architectural picture. Well exposed. While the people can balance image, they are not doing anything interesting and tend to draw your attention away from the graphics. FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS 1/350 sec F11.0
Tuff Rose 19.5 Pictorial Bronze Marino Favretto
J3 Unique composition balanced between face and tatood shoulder . Would improve if further open in right and left i.e. nose fully, more ear and more jaw showing. Eye in shadow without catch light. 1013/200000 sec F11.3
Orange Gerbera Daisy 23.5 Pictorial Gold GPP Ezbieta Piskorz
J1 Good composition and background from which the daisy stands out. Right side of daisy, including stem could be toned (painted) down about 1/2 stop. J3 Bottom right corner is too bright and takes eye away from flower head; therefore area should be darkened.
Otherwise a beautiful image. 50.0 mm f/1.4 1/80 sec F16.0
Booty Call 22.5 Pictorial Bronze BPP Linda Pickrell
J1 Humor with the image. Composition makes for interest, as eyes moves back and forth across the image. Exposure on sheep, is not quite even across the image, which adds some depth. As does light, from foreground to background.
Two distracting elements either side are cut off stool and lower metal pen. EF-S18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS 1/15 sec F4.0
Tiana3 22 Pictorial Silver SPP Ted Buck
J1 Good direction to model for pose on stand. B & W is best choice to add some mystery. The lighting is good, except a little dark on models left arm, and too bright on below her right side, lower legs. So the eye is drawn to the stand and away from model's face and shape. J3 Lighting on skin is good. Right eye is blocked out by nose. Should take photo at a higher angle . Base is very bright compared to subject and distracts.
Tiana2 22.5 Pictorial Silver SPP Ted Buck
J3 Lighting quality well done. Border is good. Pose is ackward expecially with regard to stretched out left arm. Better if hand is curved and resting on her hip. Model's expression lacks interest.
Tiana1 23.5 Pictorial Silver HM SPP Ted Buck
J1 Very nice composition of model. Light is very good on face and hair. It is a little too hot on the back, and falls off too much on model, from left to right, including feet. There are dust spots on the box cover. Floor showing on left is distracting.
Newfoundland sunset 22 Pictorial Silver SPP Riana Vermaak
J3 Nice sunset mood. Sky is dramatic. Picture could be improved by cropping out a bit of bottom - least important and better balances horizon 2/3 to 1/3. Shadows on building and land on left hand side should be opened to reveal more. 16.0-35.0 mm f/4.0 1/400 sec F8.0
Mushroom Duo 20.5 Pictorial Gold Ian Porszt
J1 A great nature scene to capture with very nice tonality. Shapes of mushrooms are complimentary.
Focus and D of F need to be more precise, on the cap of large mushroom. J3 Nicely placed, Oversharpened, especially in the foreground. Pixelation in background. Perhaps shadows in background opened in software too much. XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R LM OIS 1/60 sec F4.0
Moonrise in Sedona 20.5 Pictorial Silver Andy Langs
J3 Good landscape subject enhance with moon as balance. Besides bright points on lower part of background there would be more drama if the image significantly cropped to eliminate all of the foreground shadow and cloud on top right side. This would put moon and mesa in rule of thirds composition.
Fading Orchid 22 Pictorial Gold Kathy Ward
J1 Very nice light to highlight the texture, and shape of the orchid. Framing is good except for top of image, which make it appear cut off. J2 Adding a thine white border would enhance the image J3 Well exposed except bottom of right leaf should be darkened. A one pixel white border would help differentiate image from background. N/A 1/500 sec F4.0
Fall Colours 20.5 Pictorial Silver Peter Chow
J1 Shape of the leaves combined with their beautiful color contrast against the sky, make this a excellent subject. D o F good except for the close branch issues.
Good space in the frame on the left & top sides. It is cut off on the bottom and right sides, so bush appears appears partially 'amputated'. J3 Would be enhanced if lower part of picture with out of focus leaves and general muddle eliminated. Background is great for the colour of leaves. 18-250mm 1/100 sec F8.0
Rhythmical lights 3 23.5 Pictorial Gold GPP Ed Espin
J1 Interesting, imaginative out of world shape created with the mirror image. B & W adds strength.
It could be stronger image if all the lines were as crisp as the central portion of image. The outside top pieces fade away a little too much.
Family Affair 21.5 Pictorial Gold John Sharman
J1 Great colorful moment to capture. The eyes of male looking to the camera are great.
The feet of the male are cut off. If the male and female were fully in image it would be stronger. 18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/160 sec F5.3
Stripes 21 Pictorial Gold Bertin Francoeur
J1 Nice pattern with some texture, however the eyes seem to disappear and nose of zebra has little detail. J3 Would be improved if the lighting were higher up and the shadows in the eyes opened. A thin white border would help determine the outline. XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR 1/300 sec F2.8
Coast Mountain Range 24 Pictorial Gold GPP John Sharman
J3 Multilayered landscape with ridges is very effective. Composition is balanced between foreground and white peak which is in the rule of thirds. Whites in peak are too bright and lack definition. 18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 1/250 sec F8.0
American Kestrel 21.5 Pictorial Gold Dan Copeland
J1 Good flight shot of kestral. Image is a tight crop, and appears to be over sharpened. J3 Bird well captured but background oversaturated and grainy. EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM 1/3200 sec F5.0
Breakup on Manitoulin Island 22.5 Pictorial Silver SPP Patrick Mohide
J1 Very nice light, and exposure. The light reflected into the tree branches is good, however the three large sun spots to the left are distracting. J3 Good compositional image. Tree branches and trunk frame. Lens flare on the water can be minimized by selectively desaturating oranges. FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS 1/60 sec F16.0
Misty Morning, Barga Italy 22 Pictorial Gold John Chapman
J1 Well chosen subject, specially with the mist. Image could be improved by showing more depth from foreground to background. Some mid tone contrast could improve the lack of detail in the right side foreground tree canopy. 70.0-200.0 mm f/2.8 1/25 sec F22.0
Incinerator Rock 23 Pictorial Gold GPP David Evans
J1 Interesting subject of image is on the left 2/3rds of picture. Could be more dramatic by creating more depth in the image, by darkening some foreground, and painting more detail into the great sky. J3 Good sharpness throughout. People aid scale. Brightness of the sky leads eye out of the picture. Cropping out some of the right side, say a third, would help. With the smaller image, there would be better balance between the foreground rock and the smaller rock behind it. EF-S10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM 1/100 sec F16.0
Waterford Engraver 21 Pictorial Gold Graham Jardine
J1 Very interesting environmental portrait. Wait a little longer for the engraver to show the lower portion of his head. The red of the face and hands should be reduced in either lightroom or CS (selective color adjustment). J3 Brightness and saturation of knuckle should be reduced and face of the man brightened to balance image. 1/125 sec F4.8
Valley Inn 20 Pictorial Gold James Hamilton
J3 Imaginative wide angle with leading lines and good coloration. Foreground roadway lacks detail and has colour artifacts. Picture has pixelation throughout. Person walking in background touches on landscape. It would be better is person separated.
Unzipped 21 Pictorial Gold Roy Oldfield
J1 Great idea for image! Focus on zipper piece needs to be exact, while DoF needs to include zipper piece and pencils. J3 Imaginate idea. Matching of colours works well. Shine on zipper head would have less shine with a polarized. Image not sharp throughout. 1/8 sec F3.3