Yellow Warbler 8 7.5 7.5 Tot 23 GPP Andy Langs Nature Gold
J1 This is a great capture. The warbler is really sharp with excellent feather detail. The eye has a nice glint. Exposure and colour are perfect. The perch is sharp and the diagonal orientation adds interest. The distant background is well done. The intermediate background is a bit busy, particularly behind the bird where the bright branch should be toned down. The branches at the bottom are a bit distracting.
Eastern Kingbird 7 8.5 8.5 Tot 24 GPP Geoffrey Skirrow Nature Gold
J2 The kingbird is well exposed and sharp throughout, with a catchlight in its eye. The background is well handled providing good separation of the subject and background. The background on the right side does not add to the image. Perhaps a slight crop from the right would eliminate some of the negative space.
Realities Of Covid 6.5 7 7 Tot 20.5 John King Pictorial Gold
J2 The monochrome treatment is very effective at capturing the feeling of desolation. The composition works well, leading the viewer into the image. However, the highlights are overexposed, especially in the lettering on the Hard Rock Cafe sign.
Cello Player 7 6.5 6.5 Tot 20 Roy Oldfield Pictorial Gold
J2 The image is well exposed and the cello is generally sharp. But the hand of the player is soft, perhaps due to a slow shutter speed. The crop is very tight and gives the appearance that the player#039;s had is floating in space. Perhaps a wider crop would include more of the player.
On The Run 7.5 8 9 Tot 24.5 HM DP Greg Alderson Pictorial Master
J1 This might score better as a Creative given the nature of the soft background around the runner. J2 The monochrome treatment given this image does a very good job capturing the detail and texture in the football player#039;s uniform. The composition is effective in conveying the moven=ment of the subject through the frame.
Black Wreck 8 7 9 Tot 24 DP David Evans Pictorial Master
J1 This is a great rendering of a nostalgic situation. The image is sharp and has great detail. The central car body and window are rendered beautifully. The open door and touch of red in the tail light complete the portrait.
Brightening 7.5 7 8.5 Tot 23 Mary Gilmour Creative Master
J2 The painterly effect given the flower and the yellow aura around it is very effective at converting an image of a flower into a creative image. However there is a halo around much of the flower, and the stem is truncated before the lower edge of the frame, The stem should either be fully included or fully excluded.
Floating 8 7.5 7.5 Tot 23 Mary Gilmour Creative Master
J1 A nice moody composition. The yellow flower cluster is nicely blended into the background. The background could be softened a bit as the darkest flower edge lines are intrusive, particularly at the bottom left and centre left.
Short-Eared Owl 8 7.5 7.5 Tot 23 Pat Wintemute Nature Master
J1 This is a nice image of the owl. The colour and exposure are good. The owl#039;s face is sharp and the eyes hold the viewer's attention. The spruce branches are sharp. Unfortunately the depth of focus is limited. So the tail area gets soft. The background is well done although it could be darkened a bit.
Harlan#039;s Hawk 7 8 7 Tot 22 Jim Maguire Nature Gold
J1 This is a nice action story. Unfortunately the depth of field is small. So much of the bird is soft. The sharp stump at the bottom right can be darkened to lessen its impact on the viewer. The curve of the wings is a nice framing element for the bird#039;s head.. With a sharp capture the image would have scored higher.