TC Clinic 1 2023-24 Coopers Hawk On Watch 23.5 TC BPP Jon Dun Nature Bronze Resignation-Coopers Hawk Overpowers Chipmunk PreyTop N 26.5 TC DP Geoff Dunn Nature Master Newborn BenjaminTop P 26 TC GPP Valerie Goodfellow Pictorial Gold J2 The diagonal placement gives it some dynamic interest. Simple composition works to bring focus to the subject. A gentle vignette would help. The lighting appears too warm. Adjusting white balance would be an easy fix for natural skin tones. Watch odd (cloning?) artifacts lower left corner. Virginia ctenucha tiger mothTop N 26.5 TC DP Kathryn Martin Nature Master J2 The composition of this image and the contrast of the 3 subject elements work well together. Perfect detail in the flower and the bud and majority of the moth. some selective sharpening on the back and wings would help. The leaf merger bottom right is questionable. Almost prefer more of it to frame. The Rail Trail from Klondike Hwy to SkagwayTop P 26 TC DP Geoff Dunn Pictorial Master J2 Well thought out composition to lead the viewer#039;s eye into the scene with the tracks and the flowers. The reward are the majestic mountains in the background. Suggest some selective sharpening in the mountains to bring out details and interest. Western Honey Bee Pollinating an EchinaceaTop N 26.5 TC DP Geoff Dunn Nature Master Bronco Rider 23.5 TC SPP Laura Nelson Pictorial Silver J3 The image is well exposed and the subjects sharp. The background is well handled and provides separation from the main subjects. The expressions on the faces of the horse and rider tell the story. Drummer 23.5 TC SPP Marino Favretto Pictorial Silver Oakville Lighthouse - Long exposure 23.5 TC BPP Francesco Berri Pictorial Bronze Yellow warbler 25.5 TC GPP Jim Maguire Nature Gold J3 The image is well exposed and the subject sharp were needed. The background is well handled and softly out of focus. The diagonal tree branch draws the viewer#039;s attention into the image.