Clinic 3 2020-21-3

Clinic 3 2020-21-3
Ithaca Waterfall 7 9 7.5 23.5 GPP Andy Langs  Pictorial Gold
Ithaca Waterfall 7 9 7.5 23.5 GPP Andy Langs Pictorial Gold
J1 Nice exposure and speed.
A little less of the material in the bottom right could have been eliminated and the concentration put on the falls. J3 Looks to be about 1/2 to 3/4 of a stop over exposed. Good composition and I like the shutter speed that the maker chose.
Copyright: Andy Langs
One Wonky Cone Flower 7.5 8.5 8.5 24.5 DP Kathryn Martin  Pictorial Master
One Wonky Cone Flower 7.5 8.5 8.5 24.5 DP Kathryn Martin Pictorial Master
J3 It is a 'wonky coneflower'. Well done.
Author: Kathryn Martin
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: ILCE-7RM3
Iso: 200
Copyright: Kathryn Martin
Rbg Winter Wonders 7 7.5 5.5 20 James Hamilton  Pictorial Gold
Rbg Winter Wonders 7 7.5 5.5 20 James Hamilton Pictorial Gold
J2 somebody had fun with filters and created an interesting looking image. It might have had more impact if it was only the top half of the image. The bottom half, with the pathway and snow is not as interesting as the solarized upper half. J3 Too many blown out highlights, the sky is all mottled, very, very noisy. Not sure if something is happened in the editing or maybe ISO too high for the camera to handle.
Copyright: J H HAMILTON
Orientation: 1
Holiday Delight 7 8.5 7.5 23 GPP Terry Ross-Poulton  Pictorial Gold
Holiday Delight 7 8.5 7.5 23 GPP Terry Ross-Poulton Pictorial Gold
J3 Nice layers of the red and green and the vertical icicles.
Aperture: 10
Camera: Canon EOS REBEL T5i
Iso: 200
Orientation: 1
On Cloud Nine 8 9 8.5 25.5 TC GPP Valerie Goodfellow  Pictorial Gold
On Cloud Nine 8 9 8.5 25.5 TC GPP Valerie Goodfellow Pictorial Gold
J3 Suggest maybe a small crop across the top. Nice lighting and a beautiful baby.
Aperture: 4
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Iso: 100
Orientation: 1
Pumpkins 7 7.5 7 21.5 Loretta Monteleone  Pictorial Silver
Pumpkins 7 7.5 7 21.5 Loretta Monteleone Pictorial Silver
J3 Busy image but the white pumpkin adds to the image.
Aperture: 11
Camera: NIKON D3400
Iso: 140
What Are The Odds 6.5 6 6.5 19 John Bunyon  Pictorial Silver
What Are The Odds 6.5 6 6.5 19 John Bunyon Pictorial Silver
J3 So much potential here. I really think the shadow is the subject here and the maker should have worked with that. The bottom doesn't need to be there. This is one time where negative space doesn't work. Image is flat and needs some punch. Try B/W. It may work better. nice triangles in the top.
Aperture: 1.9
Camera: SM-A520W
Iso: 40
Orientation: 1
Cozy Newborn 6.5 10 7.5 24 GPP Valerie Goodfellow  Pictorial Gold
Cozy Newborn 6.5 10 7.5 24 GPP Valerie Goodfellow Pictorial Gold
J1 Nice light. The rough texture of the scarf and soft fur doesn't lend itself to the delicate subject. Having the hands and feet positioned like they are is not improving the composition. J3 Baby looks lost in all the fur surrounding. Being on a slight diagonal helps.
Aperture: 4.5
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Iso: 200
Orientation: 1
Leader, 2019 Grand River Powwow 7 9 7.5 23.5 GPP Jim Maguire  Pictorial Gold
Leader, 2019 Grand River Powwow 7 9 7.5 23.5 GPP Jim Maguire Pictorial Gold
J1 Good portrait. Using fill flash would have filled in the shadows and put a highlight in the eye. J2 can you brighten the eyes a little bit? J3 Excellent portrait and expression. I would suggest the maker step back to get more of the headdress and regalia in the image. Excellent exposure.
Aperture: 10
Camera: NIKON D7500
Iso: 400
Orientation: 1
Colourful Woods 6.5 8 7.5 22 James Hamilton  Pictorial Gold
Colourful Woods 6.5 8 7.5 22 James Hamilton Pictorial Gold
J2 unusual looking image; makes us wonder if it has been artificially lit with red lights or modified in post processing. a gritty look which works for this presentation. very different; good for you to experiment with whatever filters and tools you chose. J3 Interesting presentation. Made me stop and really look at it from a point of interest vs competition. So, that means it worked. The tree on the left looks like it has an animal climbing up it.
Copyright: J H HAMILTON
Orientation: 1
Autumn Path  Pictorial Bronze
Autumn Path Pictorial Bronze
J1 Leaving out the trunk in the front would help the composition. There is a nice pathway that leads your eye into the image. J2 one can see lovely lighting in this scene but having a tree in the foreground that is out of focus, and an image that is tilting down to the right are areas that need improving. J3 This image is over exposed. The trunk going up the middle splits the image into 2. I think, but not sure, the maker may have been trying to put the darker tree in the the V as the main image. Might have been better to step to the left and follow the curve of the path for the composition.
Orientation: 1
Near Miss 6.5 7 7 20.5 Patrick Mohide  Pictorial Gold
Near Miss 6.5 7 7 20.5 Patrick Mohide Pictorial Gold
J3 Something is in the sky just below the bottom plane. it may be a disappearing cloud but it looks like something has been brushed out. There's more on the right side of the image also. Good composition and exposure.
Author: Patrick Mohide
Aperture: 6.7
Camera: ILCE-7RM2
Iso: 200
Copyright: Patrick Mohide
Sunflower 6.5 8 6.5 21 Loretta Monteleone  Pictorial Silver
Sunflower 6.5 8 6.5 21 Loretta Monteleone Pictorial Silver
J3 I don't think the white vignette is adding anything to the image. It makes the image look over exposed even if it's not.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: NIKON D3400
Iso: 100
Death Valley Dune 8 7 9.5 24.5 DP David Seldon  Pictorial Master
Death Valley Dune 8 7 9.5 24.5 DP David Seldon Pictorial Master
J1 Very nice composition. The noise in the sky could be removed. J2 beautiful scene marred by a couple of poor cloning spots in the lower middle area. use a soft edged brush for your cloning; those 3 spots appear to have been edited with a hard edged brush. Then, use noise reduction to reduce the digital noise in the sky. It's worth working on this image, which has great potential. J3 Excellent composition with the nice flowing lines. Beautiful light. Nicely done.
Camera: Nikon SUPER COOLSCAN 4000 ED
Orientation: 1
Bike Rack - Beijing 7 8 7 22 BPP Malcolm Stagg  Pictorial Bronze
Bike Rack - Beijing 7 8 7 22 BPP Malcolm Stagg Pictorial Bronze
J3 Good pattern, good depth-of-field and good seeing the pink fender in a sea of yellow.
Hurrying Home Before The Storm 7 7.5 7.5 22 Peter Chow  Pictorial Gold
Hurrying Home Before The Storm 7 7.5 7.5 22 Peter Chow Pictorial Gold
J3 Appears to be a little soft. Good triangle composition with room to 'fly into'.
Aperture: 8
Camera: DMC-G85
Iso: 400
Orientation: 1
Moonrise Over The St. Lawrence 7 7.5 6.5 21 Mike Mulvale  Pictorial Silver
Moonrise Over The St. Lawrence 7 7.5 6.5 21 Mike Mulvale Pictorial Silver
J3 This image might have been stronger as a horizontal. There's too much wasted sky at the top and you also don't need all that water. Great sun and still a good catch.
Fishing At Sunrise 7 7 7 21 Pat Wintemute  Pictorial Gold
Fishing At Sunrise 7 7 7 21 Pat Wintemute Pictorial Gold
J3 Could use a little more space in front of the boat. Good capture.
Author: Picasa
Aperture: 5
Camera: Canon EOS 70D
Iso: 250
Orientation: 1
Working Hands 7 10 8 25 HM GPP Ed Espin  Pictorial Gold
Working Hands 7 10 8 25 HM GPP Ed Espin Pictorial Gold
J3 Strong "V" composition that's repeated in the shovel handle. Nice texture on the skin. Works well as a monochrome.
Happy Anniversary 6 7.5 6.5 20 John King  Pictorial Gold
Happy Anniversary 6 7.5 6.5 20 John King Pictorial Gold
J3 i don't think this type of border works on this image. The colours don't look true.
Copyright: John E King
Backlit Alstroemeria 8 8.5 8 24.5 HM GPP Judy Boufford  Pictorial Gold
Backlit Alstroemeria 8 8.5 8 24.5 HM GPP Judy Boufford Pictorial Gold
J3 Background well handled. Good complimentary colours, nice sharpness.
Orientation: 1
On Guard 7.5 9 9.5 26 TC DP Doug Doede  Pictorial Master
On Guard 7.5 9 9.5 26 TC DP Doug Doede Pictorial Master
J3 Well done. Look at the horizontal lines, the vertical lines, the triangles. they all pull together to create this amazing composition ending with the 'Guard'.
Orientation: 1
Anthurium 6.5 8 6 20.5 Terry Ross-Poulton  Pictorial Gold
Anthurium 6.5 8 6 20.5 Terry Ross-Poulton Pictorial Gold
J3 The background intrudes into this image. Try to tone down the highlights on the leaf. The flower/stamen is really sharp. Good work on that.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: Canon EOS REBEL T5i
Iso: 1250
Orientation: 1
End Of The Lane  Pictorial Gold
End Of The Lane Pictorial Gold
J2 very little is in focus, not sure if it's due to a filter or just lack of depth of field and where you focused. J3 There's nothing sharp in this image and something's happening in the driveway - the green purplish smudges.
Orientation: 1
Parked Bike 6.5 7 6.5 20 Loretta Monteleone  Pictorial Silver
Parked Bike 6.5 7 6.5 20 Loretta Monteleone Pictorial Silver
J3 The tree is very dominate here. maybe crop some of the right off.
Aperture: 5
Camera: NIKON D3400
Iso: 1000
Paddling Upstream 7.5 8.5 7 23 GPP John King  Pictorial Gold
Paddling Upstream 7.5 8.5 7 23 GPP John King Pictorial Gold
J3 There's somethin orange (an elbow?) sticking in on the left frame as well as a line running up the frame above the 'elbow'. It appears to be on the verge of being over processed. A lot of potential in this image.
Copyright: John E King
Symmetrical Fireflies 8 10 9 27 TC GPP Ed Espin  Pictorial Gold
Symmetrical Fireflies 8 10 9 27 TC GPP Ed Espin Pictorial Gold
J2 beautiful image with great impact. carefully constructed with its symmetry. would look great printed large on a wall. J3 Well done. The symmetry is wonderful. This is a case where you don't really need strong blacks because the whites are so dominate. The border really works with image.
Roof 7 8 7 22 Robert Melnyk  Pictorial Gold
Roof 7 8 7 22 Robert Melnyk Pictorial Gold
J3 This image looks like it's neither here nor there. What I mean by that is that I think a conversion to B/W would have really helped it. Now it looks like it's 1/2 B/W.
Aperture: 16
Camera: E-M1MarkII
Iso: 200
Orientation: 1
Pink Chrysanthemum 6.5 8 6.5 21 Elzbieta Piskorz  Pictorial Gold
Pink Chrysanthemum 6.5 8 6.5 21 Elzbieta Piskorz Pictorial Gold
J3 If the exposure was brought down it would make the image stronger.
Author: Elzbieta Piskorz
Aperture: 16
Camera: NIKON D610
Iso: 100
Copyright: Ehla Ela Piskorz Photography
Orientation: 1
Fire Hydrant 7.5 8.5 7.5 23.5 GPP Peter Chow  Pictorial Gold
Fire Hydrant 7.5 8.5 7.5 23.5 GPP Peter Chow Pictorial Gold
J3 A little over exposed. nice simple composition with good lines and complimentary colours.
Aperture: 10
Camera: Canon EOS REBEL T5i
Iso: 100
Orientation: 1
Baby With Bear 7.5 9 7 23.5 GPP Valerie Goodfellow  Pictorial Gold
Baby With Bear 7.5 9 7 23.5 GPP Valerie Goodfellow Pictorial Gold
J1 A lower camera angle would concentrate more on the face and less on the top of the head. J3 The corners are bothersome in this image.
Aperture: 4
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Iso: 200
Orientation: 1
The Fisherman 7 7.5 6.5 21 Victor Turczynski  Pictorial Gold
The Fisherman 7 7.5 6.5 21 Victor Turczynski Pictorial Gold
J3 Too much negative space on the right with the man too close to the left edge. Good story and processing in B/W
Author: Vic Turczynski
Aperture: 4
Camera: ILCE-7M3
Iso: 640
Copyright: © 2020 Vic Turczynski
Orientation: 1
Gull On The Beach 7 7 7 21 Janet McNally  Pictorial Gold
Gull On The Beach 7 7 7 21 Janet McNally Pictorial Gold
J3 Possibly crop some of the bottom (16x9 format). Gull is well placed in the frame. The hint of a reflection is good . Well exposed.
Author: Janet McNally
Aperture: 11
Camera: NIKON Z 6
Iso: 100
Orientation: 1
Jd Lesley 8 9 7.5 24.5 HM GPP Bert Pierre  Pictorial Gold
Jd Lesley 8 9 7.5 24.5 HM GPP Bert Pierre Pictorial Gold
J1 Very nice portrait. Lovely light. Posing the model with the shoulders turned would have helped the composition. J3 An excellent portrait of a beautiful young woman. Really nice lighting. I would suggest a different pose and a different background. The maker caught just a touch of a smile which is great. Exposure is bang on considering the dark hair, skin and all the white in the picture. Good work.
Aperture: 4
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Iso: 200
Orientation: 1
Shine 6.5 7 6 19.5 Robert Melnyk  Pictorial Gold
Shine 6.5 7 6 19.5 Robert Melnyk Pictorial Gold
J3 Too many highlights on the reflective walls. Good vertical lines.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: E-M1MarkII
Iso: 1600
Orientation: 1
Playful Splashy Waves 6.5 6.5 6.5 19.5 Elzbieta Piskorz  Pictorial Gold
Playful Splashy Waves 6.5 6.5 6.5 19.5 Elzbieta Piskorz Pictorial Gold
J3 I would suggest cropping in on this (16x9 format). Good shutter speed for catching the water.
Author: Elzbieta Piskorz
Aperture: 4.5
Camera: NIKON D610
Iso: 160
Copyright: Ehla Ela Piskorz Photography
Orientation: 1
Self Portrait By Cooper 6 7 6 19 Valerie Goodfellow  Pictorial Gold
Self Portrait By Cooper 6 7 6 19 Valerie Goodfellow Pictorial Gold
J3 Too bad 'Cooper' isn't sharper. Suggest cropping on the left so 'Cooper" isn't so large in the frame. Top right corner is distracting. This has an excellent story to it with a lot of potential.
Aperture: 1.8
Camera: Canon EOS 6D
Iso: 160
Orientation: 1
Happy Ducks  Pictorial Bronze
Happy Ducks Pictorial Bronze
J2 several areas to work on to improve this type of shot: looks like you are shooting in to the light, which created dark shadows on this side of the ducks and blown out highlights on the far duck; more depth of field and better focus because nothing is really sharp, except maybe the lily pad above the far duck. J3 There's not a lot in focus in this image. I see what the maker was going for but a longer lens would be needed.
Orientation: 1
Old Pedal 6.5 9 7 22.5 Ed Espin  Pictorial Gold
Old Pedal 6.5 9 7 22.5 Ed Espin Pictorial Gold
J3 There's something just to the right of the pedal. The image appears flat. Could use with some more 'punch'.
White-Tail Deer  Pictorial Bronze
White-Tail Deer Pictorial Bronze
J2 what a great find! pity that nothing is sharp, probably due to too slow a shutter speed. J3 Compositionally there are too many elements in this image. The very strong rock and headstone are just too 'heavy' for the image. Both deer are cut off . The maker should have, if possible, zoomed in and made a portrait of the front deer.
Orientation: 1
Beth 7.5 9 7.5 24 GPP Victor Turczynski  Pictorial Gold
Beth 7.5 9 7.5 24 GPP Victor Turczynski Pictorial Gold
J3 I feel that this is just a little too tight. It has nice lighting and I really like the 'texture' of her skin as well as her expression.
Author: Vic Turczynski
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: X-T2
Iso: 640
Copyright: © 2019 Vic Turczynski
Orientation: 1
Volcanic Surf-Galapagos 7.5 7.5 7 22 BPP Malcolm Stagg  Pictorial Bronze
Volcanic Surf-Galapagos 7.5 7.5 7 22 BPP Malcolm Stagg Pictorial Bronze
J3 This feels like it's leaning to the right. Good shutter speed on the water. A different time of day may of helped with the lighting.
Indoor Shopping Mall - Quito 7 7 7 21 BPP Malcolm Stagg  Pictorial Bronze
Indoor Shopping Mall - Quito 7 7 7 21 BPP Malcolm Stagg Pictorial Bronze
J3 Nice circular composition. Good exposure considering the tough lighting conditions.
Memories For Sale 7 7.5 7 21.5 Herb McClelland  Pictorial Gold
Memories For Sale 7 7.5 7 21.5 Herb McClelland Pictorial Gold
J3 This is slightly over exposed. this image, in my opinion, would work well as a B/W with the colour left in the For Sale sign and possibly a 'Grunge' filter added.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: NIKON D800
Iso: 250
Accordion Faced Building 7 7 7 21 Robert Melnyk  Pictorial Gold
Accordion Faced Building 7 7 7 21 Robert Melnyk Pictorial Gold
J1 This is a patterned shot. Lining up the right of centre would even up the balance. Nice colours. J3 Strong vertical lines with good colour
Aperture: 16
Camera: E-M1MarkII
Iso: 200
Orientation: 1
Bay Of Chaleur Sunset 7 7 7 21 Mike Mulvale  Pictorial Silver
Bay Of Chaleur Sunset 7 7 7 21 Mike Mulvale Pictorial Silver
J3 A good record shot of the coastline with really nice lighting. Boat is well placed.
Elora Forest  Pictorial Bronze
Elora Forest Pictorial Bronze
J1 Difficult light for this type of image. Maybe a more overcast sky would reduce the extreme contrast. J2 several suggestions to improve this kind of image: reduce exposure (it appears to be overexposed by a full stop); move the main tree off centre (use the rule of thirds for the placement of a main centre of interest); use more depth of field (80% of the image is out of focus). J3 Image is over exposed and appears to be soft. I think more thought should have gone into the composition. Try working with the rock and tree on the left. There's a lot in this image that makes it busy.
Orientation: 1
Terence 7.5 7 7 21.5 Bert Pierre  Pictorial Gold
Terence 7.5 7 7 21.5 Bert Pierre Pictorial Gold
J1 The light is ideal for the skin tones. Including the table takes the attention away from the face which is very strong. Very difficult exposure with extreme dark and light. J3 White on white composition is tough. The young man's shoulders are almost merging into the background. Particularly his right (our left) one. There seems to white running along the edge of the table that's a distraction. Possibly try to bring down the glare on his forehead. Good catch lights in the eyes. I really like the relaxed natural pose.
Aperture: 9
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Iso: 100
Orientation: 1
Dahlia 2 7 8 7.5 22.5 David Seldon  Pictorial Master
Dahlia 2 7 8 7.5 22.5 David Seldon Pictorial Master
J3 Nice composition but suggest moving back slightly so right petals match on left. Complimentary colours.
Aperture: 5
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 8000
Orientation: 1
Snowy Sedona Sunset 7 8 7.5 22.5 Andy Langs  Pictorial Gold
Snowy Sedona Sunset 7 8 7.5 22.5 Andy Langs Pictorial Gold
J3 Nice light with good tones.
Copyright: Copyright: Andy Langs ([email protected])
Larry 8 8.5 7 23.5 Bertin Francoeur  Pictorial Master
Larry 8 8.5 7 23.5 Bertin Francoeur Pictorial Master
J3 There's some halo effect on the left side of the head. Also distractions on the right near the edge of the frame that could have been easily removed. Nice B/W.
Aperture: 4
Camera: ILCE-7M2
Iso: 400
Pink Hibiscus 6.5 7 7 20.5 Terry Ross-Poulton  Pictorial Gold
Pink Hibiscus 6.5 7 7 20.5 Terry Ross-Poulton Pictorial Gold
J3 Busy background but well exposed and well placed in the frame.
Aperture: 8
Camera: Canon EOS REBEL T5i
Iso: 1600
Orientation: 1
Light Tunnel 6 7 6.5 19.5 James Hamilton  Pictorial Gold
Light Tunnel 6 7 6.5 19.5 James Hamilton Pictorial Gold
J3 I can't stop looking at that flash of light over the persons shoulder. Also, there are blobs/smudges on his back and in front of him. A very noisy image. Maybe the ISO was too high. This could have had a lot of potential The maker saw something here.
Copyright: J H HAMILTON
Orientation: 1
Spider Lily 7 5 6 18 Roy Oldfield  Pictorial Gold
Spider Lily 7 5 6 18 Roy Oldfield Pictorial Gold
J2 a greater depth of field, to bring more of this plant in to focus, was required. J3 A tough situation to photograph. Lines running everywhere, busy background. Try getting in closer or possibly shooting some of the flowing lines.
Author: Picasa
Aperture: 11
Camera: NIKON D70s
Port Dalhousie Storm 7 5.5 6 18.5 Cherylene Stimers  Pictorial Bronze
Port Dalhousie Storm 7 5.5 6 18.5 Cherylene Stimers Pictorial Bronze
J2 great mood to this image. unfortunately, nothing is sharp, perhaps due to too slow a shutter speed or lack of focus. worthwhile trying to get this shot again because the lighting is wonderful. be sure to level the image, as it is tilting down slightly to the right. J3 The lighthouse isn't sharp. I'm assuming handholding in windy conditioners - tough. It's hard even with a tripod.
Orientation: 1
Falling Water 7 7.5 7 21.5 Patrick Mohide  Pictorial Gold
Falling Water 7 7.5 7 21.5 Patrick Mohide Pictorial Gold
J3 A slower shutter speed would really improve this image. The tree branches coming in on the tight also distract. The B/W conversion is well done.
Author: Patrick Mohide
Aperture: 4
Camera: ILCE-7RM2
Iso: 2000
Copyright: Patrick Mohide
Golden Spiral Seashell 6.5 6 6.5 19 Elzbieta Piskorz  Pictorial Gold
Golden Spiral Seashell 6.5 6 6.5 19 Elzbieta Piskorz Pictorial Gold
J3 This is tough exposure to get with all the black. The image could use a border around to separate the black edges. I would also suggest in Lightroom/Photoshop drop a gradient on the top (brightest) shell to bring down the exposure. Good attempt.
Author: Elzbieta Piskorz
Aperture: 20
Camera: NIKON D610
Iso: 100
Copyright: Ehla Ela Piskorz Photography
Orientation: 1
Sunrise At Burlington Pier 6.5 8 7.5 22 Don Poulton  Pictorial Master
Sunrise At Burlington Pier 6.5 8 7.5 22 Don Poulton Pictorial Master
J3 Another 'caught the moment'. Maybe try toning down the sunset 'streak'. Quite the sunset.
Aperture: 8
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 200
Hot Coffee 7 7.5 7.5 22 Geoffrey Skirrow  Pictorial Gold
Hot Coffee 7 7.5 7.5 22 Geoffrey Skirrow Pictorial Gold
J1 Maybe this should be a vertical image? J3 I think a white border would have helped. There's mystery to this image. It makes me want to see if there's a person lurking back there somewhere. Now, having said that, a border just may take away the 'mystery'. It needs to be played with. The steam is great.
Author: Geoffrey Skirrow
Aperture: 8
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 100
Resting In Chinatown 6.5 6.5 7.5 20.5 Roy Oldfield  Pictorial Gold
Resting In Chinatown 6.5 6.5 7.5 20.5 Roy Oldfield Pictorial Gold
J2 good story in an image that would have been improved if it was sharper. J3 Nice story here. Would like to see more 'drama' here. Under exposing maybe, turning it into B/W, B/W with some colour in? This is a good image to 'play' with.
Author: Picasa
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: DMC-ZS45
Iso: 100
Lunch 6 7 7 20 Robert Melnyk  Pictorial Gold
Lunch 6 7 7 20 Robert Melnyk Pictorial Gold
J3 As the 'lines' run out of the image anyway I would suggest you crop the right side out so that the metal is not showing. Good horizontal lines with strong colours.
Aperture: 5
Camera: E-M1MarkII
Iso: 800
Orientation: 1
Grindstone Backwater 6.5 7 7.5 21 James Hamilton  Pictorial Gold
Grindstone Backwater 6.5 7 7.5 21 James Hamilton Pictorial Gold
J3 Nice abstract grungy feeling to this. Colours work well together.
Author: James H. Hamilton
Copyright: James H. Hamilton
Orientation: 1
Halloween Enthusiasts 7 7 7 21 John Bunyon  Pictorial Silver
Halloween Enthusiasts 7 7 7 21 John Bunyon Pictorial Silver
J1 Tells the story of Halloween decorations. J3 Good styory in these images.
Aperture: 1.9
Camera: SM-A520W
Iso: 64
Orientation: 1
The General 7 9 8.5 24.5 DP Bertin Francoeur  Pictorial Master
The General 7 9 8.5 24.5 DP Bertin Francoeur Pictorial Master
J3 Well done. I really like the effect the maker has done to this image. I also like the other 'soldiers' that are out of focus in the background. There's just enough that you know what they are. one small critique - the man's glasses are too modern for the portrait.
Aperture: 4
Camera: ILCE-7M2
Iso: 400
Xmas Cactus Variant 7.5 10 7 24.5 HM GPP Geoff Dunn  Pictorial Gold
Xmas Cactus Variant 7.5 10 7 24.5 HM GPP Geoff Dunn Pictorial Gold
J2 spectacular image; sharp throughout, high impact, wonderful composition. nicely set against the black background to remove any distractions. nothing to improve. J3 The whites on the petals are blown out. Nice diagonbal composition.
Repairs 7 8.5 7.5 23 GPP Ed Espin  Pictorial Gold
Repairs 7 8.5 7.5 23 GPP Ed Espin Pictorial Gold
J3 A slight change of angle to show more of the hands and tool would have helped here. Nice triangles in the image.
Cozy 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 Bert Pierre  Pictorial Gold
Cozy 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 Bert Pierre Pictorial Gold
J1 Technically, well done. Is the subject the woman or the tattoo or the patterned top or the red background? One seems to be competing with the other? J3 I would like to see the model turn just a couple of inches towards the camera. She looks like she's straining. Because it's a controlled situation her fingers should be tack sharp. Good lighting and exposure.
Aperture: 4
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Iso: 500
Orientation: 1
Sunrise By The Lake 7 7.5 7.5 22 Geoff Dunn  Pictorial Gold
Sunrise By The Lake 7 7.5 7.5 22 Geoff Dunn Pictorial Gold
J3 Good eye to see this. It looks like the maker tried to hide the sun behind the tree and it worked. Lovely colours.
The Blue Window 7 7 8 22 Heather Engel  Pictorial Master
The Blue Window 7 7 8 22 Heather Engel Pictorial Master
J1 Nice textures and light. Moving the window more into the frame would have helped the composition. J3 Nice in it's simplicity. I like all the negative space on the right side.
Aperture: 4
Camera: DMC-FZ200
Iso: 100
Orientation: 1
Adam's  Apple 7 7.5 7.5 22 Heather Engel  Pictorial Master
Adam's Apple 7 7.5 7.5 22 Heather Engel Pictorial Master
J1 Good colour tones. Would prefer to see the person looking at the camera. I don't know if the apple adds to the story?
It is difficult to make a border stand out when one side of the image is the same colour as the border. J3 I think a black vignette would have worked better then the white. But, over all the image works.
Aperture: 2.8
Camera: DMC-FZ200
Iso: 125
Orientation: 1
Sunny Gerbera  7.5 9 8 24.5 HM GPP Judy Boufford  Pictorial Gold
Sunny Gerbera 7.5 9 8 24.5 HM GPP Judy Boufford Pictorial Gold
J3 Nice colours, well exposed and composed. Red border helps the image.
Aperture: 8
Camera: NIKON D7500
Iso: 100
Orientation: 1
We Put Our Heart Into Our Work 7 7 7 21 Roy Oldfield  Pictorial Gold
We Put Our Heart Into Our Work 7 7 7 21 Roy Oldfield Pictorial Gold
J3 Good interaction between to the two men. Too bad the maker didn't take an extra step or two to the left to catch more of the facial expression of the man on the right.
Author: Picasa
Aperture: 4.8
Camera: DMC-ZS45
Iso: 100
Gull With Self-Portrait 6.5 7 7 20.5 Patrick Mohide  Pictorial Gold
Gull With Self-Portrait 6.5 7 7 20.5 Patrick Mohide Pictorial Gold
J3 There's not a lot of detail in the gull's feathers. The 'self portrait is good seeing.
Author: Patrick Mohide
Aperture: 8
Camera: ILCE-7RM2
Iso: 1600
Copyright: Patrick Mohide
Oil Change 7.5 10 8.5 26 TC GPP Robert Melnyk  Pictorial Gold
Oil Change 7.5 10 8.5 26 TC GPP Robert Melnyk Pictorial Gold
J3 I bet if this car could talk there would be quite the story. I really like the 'grunge' feel to this - intentional or not, it works.
Aperture: 6.3
Camera: E-M1
Iso: 200
Orientation: 1
February Is The Cruelest Month 6.5 7 7.5 21 John Strung  Pictorial Gold
February Is The Cruelest Month 6.5 7 7.5 21 John Strung Pictorial Gold
J3 Nice angled light. Well composed and exposed.
Author: John D. Strung
Aperture: 4
Camera: E-M1MarkII
Iso: 200
Copyright: John D. Strung
Oak Leaf 6 7.5 6.5 20 Geoffrey Skirrow  Pictorial Gold
Oak Leaf 6 7.5 6.5 20 Geoffrey Skirrow Pictorial Gold
J3 Too tight in the frame on the sides as they're touching the edges. Crop the top to match the bottom. Under exposed. Water drops are great. Good seeing. Try the crop and lighten it in LR/PS and see how it improves.
Author: Geoffrey Skirrow
Aperture: 18
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 100
Cuban Lady 6.5 6 6.5 19 Roy Oldfield  Pictorial Gold
Cuban Lady 6.5 6 6.5 19 Roy Oldfield Pictorial Gold
J1 Fill flash would have lightened up the face. Very difficult lighting conditions when you have extreme light and dark. J2 improvements would include better focusing and more depth of field; difficult for "grab shots" but one must learn to adjust on the fly when these photo ops present themselves. adjust your camera in advance to improve your chances of getting the good result. J3 The woman's hand is soft and whatever she's holding is going out of the picture. The flower is not sharp. But what a moment to catch with that stogie in he mouth. Good seeing.
Author: Picasa
Aperture: 6.4
Camera: DMC-ZS45
Iso: 100
Was It Something I Said 7 7 7.5 21.5 Valerie Goodfellow  Pictorial Gold
Was It Something I Said 7 7 7.5 21.5 Valerie Goodfellow Pictorial Gold
J1 Lovely soft light. J2 suggest a tighter crop J3 I think the facial expression says it all. Nice soft light. Suggest cropping the cushions off on the right.
Aperture: 2.2
Camera: Canon EOS 6D
Iso: 1600
Orientation: 1
Silos 7 9 8 24 GPP Patrick Mohide  Pictorial Gold
Silos 7 9 8 24 GPP Patrick Mohide Pictorial Gold
J3 A good strong B/W image with good composition.
Author: Patrick Mohide
Aperture: 8
Camera: ILCE-7RM2
Iso: 400
Copyright: Patrick Mohide
Lesser Violet Ear Hummingbird 9 9 9 27 TC DP Kathryn Martin  Nature Master
Lesser Violet Ear Hummingbird 9 9 9 27 TC DP Kathryn Martin Nature Master
J3 Look how sharp this is. Feather detail is great. Excellent depth-of-field. Wonderful background. Not often you get hummingbirds just sitting.
Author: Kathryn Martin
Aperture: 8
Camera: ILCE-9
Iso: 3200
Copyright: Kathryn Martin
Honey Bee 7.5 8.5 8 24 TC SPP Mike Mulvale  Nature Silver
Honey Bee 7.5 8.5 8 24 TC SPP Mike Mulvale Nature Silver
J1 Lovely colour tones J3 I find the green leaves in the bottom very distracting. Otherwise a great image.
Anhinga With Fish 7.5 9 10 26.5 TC GPP Herb McClelland  Nature Gold
Anhinga With Fish 7.5 9 10 26.5 TC GPP Herb McClelland Nature Gold
J3 What a great capture. I don't care about not seeing the anhinga's face. I love the flow of the water, the 'surprise' look on the fish, the beak in the fish, the lighting, the exposure, the composition, etc. etc. I commend the maker for the moment.
Aperture: 8
Camera: NIKON D500
Iso: 800
Hoverfly On Buttercup 7 6.5 7 20.5 John Strung  Nature Gold
Hoverfly On Buttercup 7 6.5 7 20.5 John Strung Nature Gold
J1 Noise in the background could be softened. J3 Try cropping in tighter-some off the right and the bottom. That would help to remove some of the background distraction. Good sharpness and exposure. Bug is well placed.
Author: John D. Strung
Aperture: 5
Camera: E-M1MarkII
Caption: Lower Spring Creek Trail, Dundas, Ontario, Canada
Iso: 400
Copyright: John D. Strung
Mallard Duck 6.5 7.5 8.5 22.5 HM SPP Ewa Rakowski  Nature Silver
Mallard Duck 6.5 7.5 8.5 22.5 HM SPP Ewa Rakowski Nature Silver
J3 Good expression, good movement, great splashes.
Aperture: 9
Camera: NIKON D850
Iso: 3600
Orientation: 1
Banded Longhorn Beetle 7 7 7 21 David Evans  Nature Gold
Banded Longhorn Beetle 7 7 7 21 David Evans Nature Gold
J2 you have chosen a very difficult subject to get a really successful image, with the white flowers and the depth of field challenge. getting both antennae in focus is always difficult. the second bug is mostly out of focus. would like to see a bit more sharpness in the beetle. J3 I can see a battle ensuing or 'dinner'. Too bad the white flowers are so distracting. The bug on the right isn't quite sharp.
Aperture: 16
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 400
Blue jay 7 8 7.5 22.5 Colleen Bird  Nature Gold
Blue jay 7 8 7.5 22.5 Colleen Bird Nature Gold
J3 Excellent image but the 'tuft' on the jays head looks like it's been painted/masked.
Aperture: 6.3
Camera: E-M1MarkII
Iso: 2000
Orientation: 1
Preening Loon 8 7 7.5 22.5 David Seldon  Nature Master
Preening Loon 8 7 7.5 22.5 David Seldon Nature Master
J1 Good action shot. The noise in the background could have been softened. J3 Suggest cropping some off the bottom - just below the blue water. Also, some off the top.
Aperture: 9
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 800
Orientation: 1
Eastern Screech Owl 6 7 6.5 19.5 Dan Copeland  Nature Master
Eastern Screech Owl 6 7 6.5 19.5 Dan Copeland Nature Master
J3 Maker should have moved in closer - easy enough for me to say right? I realise that the maker probably couldn't get closer or didn't have enough lens. Try cropping as the 'nest' is far too dominate. In the crop try your best to leave out the bright colours on the right as they are distracting. I do like that the maker caught how the owl blends into it's habitat.
Author: Dan Copeland
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 400
Orientation: 1
Cape May Warbler  Nature Gold
Cape May Warbler Nature Gold
J1 Good composition. Technically, it is over processed and has lost all the detail. J2 sharp capture and good composition but the colours appear to be very strange and not natural at all; red and greens in the feathers. looks like an image that was pushed way behind the limits of processing, likely a very dark image with high ISO that had to be pumped up and left it with those strange colours. J3 Another image with a green cast to it. On the bird, all parts that should be yellow are greeny/yellow. The branch even has a green cast. I'm not sure what's happening to the branch on the lower left - it looks like it's got some fog over it. Also, the white border shouldn't be on a nature shot. The bird is well placed in the frame.
Aperture: 4.5
Camera: DSC-RX10M4
Iso: 400
Orientation: 1
Sow Thistle 6.5 6 7 19.5 Don Poulton  Nature Master
Sow Thistle 6.5 6 7 19.5 Don Poulton Nature Master
J3 The image isn't sharp front to back and it should be. Good exposure with nice soft light.
Aperture: 8
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 200
Honey Bee On Liatrus 9 7.5 9 25.5 TC GPP Judy Boufford  Nature Gold
Honey Bee On Liatrus 9 7.5 9 25.5 TC GPP Judy Boufford Nature Gold
J3 Beautiful. I probably would have scored this a 10 if the bee didn't appear to be over sharpened. Other than that, everything works in this image.
Orientation: 1
Chicory 7 8 7 22 Doug Doede  Nature Master
Chicory 7 8 7 22 Doug Doede Nature Master
J3 Suggest cropping this in closer. nice colours and sharpness Also good-depth-of-field.
Aperture: 9
Camera: PENTAX K-S2
Iso: 100
Orientation: 1
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth On Be 6.5 7.5 7 21 John Strung  Nature Gold
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth On Be 6.5 7.5 7 21 John Strung Nature Gold
J3 Maker should have moved in closer if possible. The flower on the left is taking over the image and competing with the moth as the subject. There's just too much going on in the background.
Author: John D. Strung
Aperture: 8
Camera: E-M1MarkII
Caption: at Urquhart Butterfly Garden, Dundas, Ontario, Canada
Iso: 1600
Copyright: John D. Strung
Stinky Bob Geranium 6 6 6.5 18.5 John Strung  Nature Gold
Stinky Bob Geranium 6 6 6.5 18.5 John Strung Nature Gold
J1 More depth of field so all of the petals are sharp would enhance the image. J3 The flower is 'floating', it should have some part of the stem showing. There doesn't appear to be enough sharpness, All the stamen, at least, should be sharp. Background is well handled.
Author: John D. Strung
Aperture: 2.8
Camera: E-M1MarkII
Caption: Lower Spring Creek Trail, Dundas, Ontario, Canada
Iso: 500
Copyright: John D. Strung
Red Bellied Woodpecker 7.5 8 8 23.5 Gary Love  Nature Master
Red Bellied Woodpecker 7.5 8 8 23.5 Gary Love Nature Master
J3 There's something happening with bird's left foot (our right) - a grey blob. Maybe something has been brushed out? Otherwise, enough of the habitat is there to help with the "Where are you mom?" story that I see in this image. Good work. Really nice light.
Author: Gary Love
Aperture: 8
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 800
Copyright: Gary Love
Orientation: 1
Great Golden Digger Wasp 2 6.5 6 8 20.5 David Evans  Nature Gold
Great Golden Digger Wasp 2 6.5 6 8 20.5 David Evans Nature Gold
J3 Would like to see more sharpness (depth-of-field) in the wings. Rest of the image is beautiful.
Aperture: 13
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 640
Galapagos Sea Lions 7.5 7 7.5 22 BPP Malcolm Stagg  Nature Bronze
Galapagos Sea Lions 7.5 7 7.5 22 BPP Malcolm Stagg Nature Bronze
J3 Good story with the environment. I'm assuming the black spots to the left and above the left seal's head are bugs. Good story.
European Starling 7.5 8.5 7 23 Gary Love  Nature Master
European Starling 7.5 8.5 7 23 Gary Love Nature Master
J3 Needs a better story to it. Very colourful bird and the maker caught all the colour.
Author: Gary Love
Aperture: 8
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 400
Copyright: Gary Love
Orientation: 1
Osprey With Fish 8 8 8 24 GPP Greg Alderson  Nature Gold
Osprey With Fish 8 8 8 24 GPP Greg Alderson Nature Gold
J3 Great action. I just wish the fish was sharper. Good shutter speed for catching the water. I really like how the wings of the osprey wrap around the front. Good catch - both the maker and the bird.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: NIKON D500
Iso: 3200
Orientation: 1
Red-Tailed Hawk 8 7.5 6.5 22 Jim Maguire  Nature Gold
Red-Tailed Hawk 8 7.5 6.5 22 Jim Maguire Nature Gold
J3 I think for nature the background doesn't work. It doesn't seem natural. Also, this is really a portrait not a nature shot. One eye has 2 catch lights and the other has one. Eyes, beak and head are sharp.
Aperture: 10
Camera: NIKON D7500
Iso: 400
Orientation: 1
Juvenile Red Crown Crane Dancing 8 7.5 9 24.5 HM GPP Peter Chow  Nature Gold
Juvenile Red Crown Crane Dancing 8 7.5 9 24.5 HM GPP Peter Chow Nature Gold
J3 Beautiful. The 'dancing' crane. The score speaks for all the good things about it. Suggest toning down the grey area over the birds right wing - our left.
Aperture: 6.3
Camera: DMC-G85
Iso: 200
Orientation: 1
Borneo Proud Mother  8.5 7.5 7.5 23.5 GPP Barbara Boles-Davis  Nature Gold
Borneo Proud Mother 8.5 7.5 7.5 23.5 GPP Barbara Boles-Davis Nature Gold
J3 The baby's head is just a little to close to the frame. Cuteness personified. Good expressions on both faces.
Bald Eagle 8 8.5 7.5 24 GPP John King  Nature Gold
Bald Eagle 8 8.5 7.5 24 GPP John King Nature Gold
J3 Would have liked to see more of the eagle. There's a green halo running along the edge of the bird's right (our left) leg. As for story, it makes you think that it's on the hunt. Really caught the expression of the bird.
Copyright: John E King
House Finch-Male 7 6.5 6 19.5 Herb McClelland  Nature Gold
House Finch-Male 7 6.5 6 19.5 Herb McClelland Nature Gold
J3 Some elements in his image don't work - a half stop, maybe, overexposed, not enough sharpness down through the body to the tail and I'm not sure what's happening around the branch (top and bottom). maybe more attempt at painting out something?
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: NIKON D500
Iso: 320
Anhinga 7 7.5 7.5 22 David Seldon  Nature Master
Anhinga 7 7.5 7.5 22 David Seldon Nature Master
J3 Nice specimen but I don't think the bright background adds to the image.
Aperture: 6.3
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 800
Orientation: 1
Red-Breasted Nuthatch 7.5 8.5 7.5 23.5 HM SPP Ewa Rakowski  Nature Silver
Red-Breasted Nuthatch 7.5 8.5 7.5 23.5 HM SPP Ewa Rakowski Nature Silver
J3 Suggest a couple of crops: 1. down the left to just behind the dark line on the bark (You really don't need all that tree) and 2. crop the bottom. Which will place the bird out of the centre. Beautiful light and excellent sharpness with a nice background. Maker also 'caught the moment'.
Aperture: 8
Camera: NIKON D850
Iso: 80
Orientation: 1
Bald Eagle With Fish 7.5 7 7 21.5 Pat Wintemute  Nature Gold
Bald Eagle With Fish 7.5 7 7 21.5 Pat Wintemute Nature Gold
J3 Great detail in the bird. Excellent sharpness throughout there's detail in the neck and chest feathers. Both wings are sharp front to back. Good catch.
Author: Picasa
Aperture: 6.3
Camera: Canon EOS 70D
Iso: 500
Orientation: 1
Great Golden Digger Wasp 9 10 9.5 28.5 TC GPP Jim Maguire  Nature Gold
Great Golden Digger Wasp 9 10 9.5 28.5 TC GPP Jim Maguire Nature Gold
J3 Wonderful image. Everything works.
Aperture: 9
Camera: NIKON D7500
Iso: 400
Orientation: 1
American Goldfinch On Perch 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 Greg Alderson  Nature Gold
American Goldfinch On Perch 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 Greg Alderson Nature Gold
J3 As with some of the other birds, due to lack of a story the image just becomes another 'bird on a stick'. As with some of the other birds the element that work, work well.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: NIKON D500
Iso: 800
Orientation: 1
Chickadee Hop 6.5 7.5 8.5 22.5 Greg Alderson  Nature Gold
Chickadee Hop 6.5 7.5 8.5 22.5 Greg Alderson Nature Gold
J3 Caught the perfect moment. Maybe crop the green branch on the right out. Great feather detail, catchlight etc. well done.
Aperture: 7.1
Camera: NIKON D500
Iso: 250
Orientation: 1
Female Red-Winged Blackbird 7.5 7.5 9 24 GPP David Evans  Nature Gold
Female Red-Winged Blackbird 7.5 7.5 9 24 GPP David Evans Nature Gold
J3 Because of the habitat this becomes more then a bird on a stick. Great exposure, sharpness and background. I don't even mind the that the image is cut up the centre of the frame. In this case it works.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 160
Bracket Fungus 6.5 7.5 7 21 Janet McNally  Nature Gold
Bracket Fungus 6.5 7.5 7 21 Janet McNally Nature Gold
J3 A lot of fungus in this image. Suggest simplifying the image by moving in closer and concentrating on just a couple or part of the fungus.
Author: Janet McNally
Aperture: 4
Camera: NIKON Z 6
Iso: 1000
Blue Jay In Snow 7.5 8.5 9.5 25.5 TC GPP Greg Alderson  Nature Gold
Blue Jay In Snow 7.5 8.5 9.5 25.5 TC GPP Greg Alderson Nature Gold
J3 This all works. The pose, the habitat, the sharpness, the depth-of-field, background, exposure etc. If anything, now I'm getting picky, possibly crop the bottom and the left to eliminate the soft focus there. Well done.
Aperture: 7.1
Camera: NIKON D500
Iso: 250
Orientation: 1
Great Horned Owl 7.5 9 6 22.5 Kathryn Martin  Nature Master
Great Horned Owl 7.5 9 6 22.5 Kathryn Martin Nature Master
J3 Not enough overall sharpness here, image also seems over exposed. There appears to be a blue/green cast - under the chin feathers around the ears. There's also something going on at the top to the right of it's ear. It looks like something has been painted out but didn't quite work. Particularly when you look at the areas around that bright green/bluey area.
Author: Kathryn Martin
Aperture: 8
Camera: ILCE-7RM3
Iso: 500
Copyright: Kathryn Martin
Red-Legged Honeycreeper (M.) 7 8 6.5 21.5 Jim Maguire  Nature Gold
Red-Legged Honeycreeper (M.) 7 8 6.5 21.5 Jim Maguire Nature Gold
J3 The background is taking away from this image. Well exposed colours - the blue and red and it's sharp.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: NIKON D7500
Iso: 800
Orientation: 1
Autumn Meadowhawk Dragonfly 8 7.5 8 23.5 Heather Engel  Nature Master
Autumn Meadowhawk Dragonfly 8 7.5 8 23.5 Heather Engel Nature Master
J3 It's too bad that 'grass' to the right of the plant wasn't more diffused. Otherwise, an excellent image.
Author: H.D.ENGEL
Aperture: 8
Camera: NIKON D300S
Iso: 200
Copyright: H.D.ENGEL
Orientation: 1
Red-Bellied Woodpecker 7 7.5 7 21.5 Ewa Rakowski  Nature Silver
Red-Bellied Woodpecker 7 7.5 7 21.5 Ewa Rakowski Nature Silver
J3 Good capture of the bird. Branches in background are disturbing. Particularly the top right corner. Good sharpness and exposure.
Aperture: 8
Camera: NIKON D850
Iso: 4500
Orientation: 1
Downy Woodpecker 6.5 7 7.5 21 David Evans  Nature Gold
Downy Woodpecker 6.5 7 7.5 21 David Evans Nature Gold
J3 A little overexposed. Good habitat, sharpness etc.
Aperture: 8
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 640
Deadly Nightshade Berries 7 8.5 7.5 23 Doug Doede  Nature Master
Deadly Nightshade Berries 7 8.5 7.5 23 Doug Doede Nature Master
J3 This could be the perfect image. It has so much potential. What's dragging it down is it's way too over sharpened. Or, it's possibly too high of an ISO that creating all the 'noise' in the image. Try and tone down the highlights on the berries. Beautifully composed.
Aperture: 10
Camera: PENTAX K-S2
Iso: 100
Orientation: 1
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly 6.5 7.5 5.5 19.5 John Strung  Nature Gold
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly 6.5 7.5 5.5 19.5 John Strung Nature Gold
J3 The damselfly is well place in the frame but the whole image is over exposed. Try cropping some off the right side.
Author: John D. Strung
Aperture: 8
Camera: E-M1MarkII
Caption: Lower Spring Creek Trail, Dundas, Ontario, Canada
Iso: 200
Copyright: John D. Strung
Fish In Caribbean 7 6 6.5 19.5 Roy Oldfield  Nature Gold
Fish In Caribbean 7 6 6.5 19.5 Roy Oldfield Nature Gold
J3 Image shows environment but it's not strong. Fish has a softness to it as if it was taken through glass.
Author: Picasa
Aperture: 4.4
Camera: DMC-TS30
Iso: 100
Osprey With Fish 8 8.5 9 25.5 TC GPP Pat Wintemute  Nature Gold
Osprey With Fish 8 8.5 9 25.5 TC GPP Pat Wintemute Nature Gold
J3 Great story. Some judges would say the tail and far wing should be sharper but I wouldn't agree. There's enough sharpness in the rest of this image. Eye, talons. fish, and front wing are sharp. Love the splash. Well placed in the frame. Exposure is bang on. Good work.
Aperture: 6.3
Camera: Canon EOS 70D
Iso: 3200
Orientation: 1
Clear Wing Hummingbird Moth 8.5 8.5 7.5 24.5 HM GPP Judy Boufford  Nature Gold
Clear Wing Hummingbird Moth 8.5 8.5 7.5 24.5 HM GPP Judy Boufford Nature Gold
J1 Great shot. If the pink in the flower was toned down a bit more attention would be on the moth. J3 A square crop might work well on this image - a bit off the top, bottom and down the right. The pink is dominating the image. The moth almost has a soft elegance to it.
Orientation: 1
Female Snowy Owl 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 Geoffrey Skirrow  Nature Gold
Female Snowy Owl 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 Geoffrey Skirrow Nature Gold
J3 Some of the branches are disturbing i.e. the large one ion the top left, the bottom one's. Now, having said that this image shows how the owl can easily blend into it's habitat. Try cropping some of the area in front of the bird. Nicely exposed.
Author: Geoffrey Skirrow
Aperture: 7.1
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 400
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird 7.5 8.5 7 23 GPP Geoffrey Skirrow  Nature Gold
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird 7.5 8.5 7 23 GPP Geoffrey Skirrow Nature Gold
J3 I think a faster shutter speed to stop some of the wing movement would have helped this image.
Author: Geoffrey Skirrow
Aperture: 8
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 1000
Horned Lark 7 8.5 7.5 23 GPP Geoff Dunn  Nature Gold
Horned Lark 7 8.5 7.5 23 GPP Geoff Dunn Nature Gold
J3 This appears to be over sharpened. Good exposure.
Copyright: Geoff Dunn 2012-
Juvenile Bald Eagle 7 7.5 7 21.5 Pat Wintemute  Nature Gold
Juvenile Bald Eagle 7 7.5 7 21.5 Pat Wintemute Nature Gold
J3 White background is very distracting and takes away from the image. Good expression on the eagle though.
Author: Picasa
Aperture: 6.3
Camera: Canon EOS 70D
Iso: 800
Orientation: 1
Pigmy Owl 7.5 8.5 7.5 23.5 Dan Copeland  Nature Master
Pigmy Owl 7.5 8.5 7.5 23.5 Dan Copeland Nature Master
J1 Decreasing the yellow in the background would make the owl stand out more. J3 Busy background. Suggest cropping some of it out. Great sharpness and exposure.
Author: Dan Copeland
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 400
Orientation: 1
Cougar 7.5 7.5 7 22 Victor Turczynski  Nature Gold
Cougar 7.5 7.5 7 22 Victor Turczynski Nature Gold
J3 Too bad the tail (and paw?) are merging with the head. Nice and sharp, good stance for the cat. Well exposed considering all the white in the image.
Author: Vic Turczynski all rights reserv
Aperture: 4
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Caption: Muskoka Wildlife Centre
Iso: 200
Copyright: [email protected]
Orientation: 1
Mallard Duck 7.5 7 7.5 22 Dan Copeland  Nature Master
Mallard Duck 7.5 7 7.5 22 Dan Copeland Nature Master
J3 Suggest cropping this image (maybe a 16x9 format). There's too much space above the duck. There's also a male mallard in the background and it's green head is bothersome. The water seems to be going downhill. Now, the main subject is beautiful. Sharp, well exposed etc. Another 'caught the moment' with the water drops. The maker picked just the right shutter speed to get those drops. Well done.
Author: Dan Copeland
Aperture: 9.93
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 800
Copyright: Ü
Orientation: 1
Yellow-Winged Cacique  Nature Gold
Yellow-Winged Cacique Nature Gold
J2 pity that nothing is sharp in this image. it appears to have been either scanned from a slide or post processed leaving a border around the edge of the image. J3 Image is soft overall. Background is busy and the border shouldn't be there in a nature image.
Ambush Bug On Daisy 6 7 6.5 19.5 Greg Alderson  Nature Gold
Ambush Bug On Daisy 6 7 6.5 19.5 Greg Alderson Nature Gold
J3 Wish the background was softer and more diffused. There's something going on in the bottom right. There are some very sharp lines that don't seem to belong.
Aperture: 32
Camera: NIKON D500
Iso: 1000
Orientation: 1
Yellow Throated  Toucan 9 8 7.5 24.5 HM GPP Judy Boufford  Nature Gold
Yellow Throated Toucan 9 8 7.5 24.5 HM GPP Judy Boufford Nature Gold
J3 Nice colours. the top of the beak is washed out. Also, the branch going out from the bird's back doesn't help the image. Good habitat.
Aperture: 5
Camera: NIKON D7500
Iso: 500
Orientation: 1
Bald Eagle #4 8.5 7.5 7 23 GPP Terry Ross-Poulton  Nature Gold
Bald Eagle #4 8.5 7.5 7 23 GPP Terry Ross-Poulton Nature Gold
J3 Looks like some kind of brushing has been attempted on the left side just to the left of the wings. The eagle is on a nice angle.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: Canon EOS REBEL T5i
Iso: 1600
Orientation: 1
Blue Footed Boobies-Galapagos 8 8 8 24 TC BPP Malcolm Stagg  Nature Bronze
Blue Footed Boobies-Galapagos 8 8 8 24 TC BPP Malcolm Stagg Nature Bronze
J2 good nature story; too much magenta in the sky and distance, which doesn't look natural with those colours. J3 Too bad the maker couldn't have gotten a different angle so that the horizon is not cutting through the birds, particularly the one 2nd from the right. Excellent story .
American Redstart - Female 7 7.5 7 21.5 Andy Langs  Nature Gold
American Redstart - Female 7 7.5 7 21.5 Andy Langs Nature Gold
J3 This suffers from a depth-of-field issue. It seems that the point of focus is on the bird and probably shot wide open (2.9, 3.5) therefore, the branches where the bird is perched are out of focus. The point of focus should have been on the front branches and possibly closed down half to a full stop. Also, the branches sticking up from the bottom left don't add to the image. Good exposure and sharpness on the bird.
Copyright: Andy Langs
Chickadee 8 8.5 7.5 24 GPP Geoff Dunn  Nature Gold
Chickadee 8 8.5 7.5 24 GPP Geoff Dunn Nature Gold
J3 The story in this image isn't very strong. Nice detail throughout.
Northern Cardinal-Female 7 7 7.5 21.5 Herb McClelland  Nature Gold
Northern Cardinal-Female 7 7 7.5 21.5 Herb McClelland Nature Gold
J3 Maybe 1/2 stop over exposed. Nice background.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: NIKON D500
Iso: 900
Monarch Butterfly #5 7.5 8.5 7 23 GPP Terry Ross-Poulton  Nature Gold
Monarch Butterfly #5 7.5 8.5 7 23 GPP Terry Ross-Poulton Nature Gold
J1 Very nice composition. Well done technically. If you could tone down the pink on the flowers then all the attention would go to the butterfly. J3 Left side (pinks) are too bright while the right half of the image has perfect exposure. Butterfly is well place in the frame.
Aperture: 6.3
Camera: Canon EOS REBEL T5i
Iso: 800
Orientation: 1
Black Capped Chickadee 8 6.5 8 22.5 Gary Love  Nature Master
Black Capped Chickadee 8 6.5 8 22.5 Gary Love Nature Master
J3 Excellent composition with the branch wrapping around the bird - almost as if it's protecting it. Beautiful background. There appears to be a depth-of-field issue with the bottom of the wing, the tail and the back of the branch. If a different aperture had been used they would appear to be sharper.
Author: Gary Love
Aperture: 4
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 1000
Copyright: Gary Love
Orientation: 1
Katydid On Aster 7 8.5 7 22.5 Colleen Bird  Nature Gold
Katydid On Aster 7 8.5 7 22.5 Colleen Bird Nature Gold
J3 Katydid is just a little to bright - maybe 1/2 stop over. Good habitat.
Aperture: 4.5
Camera: E-M1MarkII
Iso: 200
Orientation: 1
Doe And 2 Fawns  6.5 7.5 6.5 20.5 Dan Copeland  Nature Master
Doe And 2 Fawns 6.5 7.5 6.5 20.5 Dan Copeland Nature Master
J3 More care could possibly have been taken in the composition of this image. Particularly across the bottom. The feet of the main deer are cut off as well there's something in the bottom right corner. Well exposed.
Author: DC Photography
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: Canon EOS REBEL T2i
Iso: 400
Orientation: 1
Iguana In Tree Cavity 7 8 7 22 Jim Maguire  Nature Gold
Iguana In Tree Cavity 7 8 7 22 Jim Maguire Nature Gold
J1 The left side cropped would improve the composition J3 This is more of a portrait of the iguana. Would have been a stronger image if there was more of the body showing. Hot spot below it's throat is distracting. Maker really caught the leathery texture of it's skin.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: NIKON D7500
Iso: 360
Orientation: 1
Bald Eagle In Flight 8 8.5 7.5 24 GPP Pat Wintemute  Nature Gold
Bald Eagle In Flight 8 8.5 7.5 24 GPP Pat Wintemute Nature Gold
J3 A better background would have helped this image. Again, easy enough for me to say. Great sharpness throughout and the mouth open. Another 'caught the moment'.
Aperture: 7.1
Camera: Canon EOS 70D
Iso: 400
Orientation: 1
Halloween Pennant Dragonfly 6.5 7.5 7 21 Heather Engel  Nature Master
Halloween Pennant Dragonfly 6.5 7.5 7 21 Heather Engel Nature Master
J3 Dragonfly is soft. Nice background and colours.
Author: H.D.ENGEL
Aperture: 10
Camera: NIKON D300S
Iso: 400
Copyright: H.D.ENGEL
Orientation: 1
Bad Lands If Ontario 7.5 7.5 7 22 Dan Copeland  Nature Master
Bad Lands If Ontario 7.5 7.5 7 22 Dan Copeland Nature Master
J3 I don't think the out of focus birds add to the image. Beautiful colours. Really like the rock in the middle pointing up.
Aperture: 8
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Iso: 100
Orientation: 1
Roseate Spoonbill 7 7 7 21 Gary Love  Nature Master
Roseate Spoonbill 7 7 7 21 Gary Love Nature Master
J1 The Spoonbill is placed well in the frame. The processing might be a bit extreme for the bird? J2 not natural looking; appears that the bird has a halo around it, possibly from background softening. J3 I would have scored this much higher but there appears to be a halo around the birds head, beak and chin as well as around the main wing in front. It's too bad, it could be beautiful.
Author: Gary Love
Aperture: 9
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 3200
Copyright: Gary Love
Orientation: 1
American Goldfinch On Flower 7.5 8 8 23.5 GPP Herb McClelland  Nature Gold
American Goldfinch On Flower 7.5 8 8 23.5 GPP Herb McClelland Nature Gold
J3 Would like to see a stronger story in this image. The flower does add. Nice and sharp. There's a white spot just to the left of the tail that is very distracting.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: NIKON D500
Iso: 900
Red  Breasted Nuthatch 7.5 8 7.5 23 Gary Love  Nature Master
Red Breasted Nuthatch 7.5 8 7.5 23 Gary Love Nature Master
J1 Neutralizing the yellow cast might have brought the Nuthatch more in keeping with the natural colour. The background could have stayed the same by selecting the Nuthatch. J3 There are a lot of 'good' things about this image, the background, the sharpness, the diagonal flow of the composition. The lacking element is the story. As good as the elements in this are the lack of a story just makes it 'a bird on a stick'. I would have scored it much higher if the story was there.
Author: Gary Love
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 800
Copyright: Gary Love
Orientation: 1
Least Flycatcher 7 7.5 7 21.5 Andy Langs  Nature Gold
Least Flycatcher 7 7.5 7 21.5 Andy Langs Nature Gold
J1 Good shot of Flycatcher. Maybe using a different f number it would have put the background out of focus more? J3 This has a 'story' due to the elements of the habitat. The habitat is too busy though. Also, lighting on the branches is somewhat harsh. Good sharpness, nice catchlight in the eye.
Copyright: Andy Langs
Fiery Throated Hummingbird 9 8.5 7 24.5 DP Kathryn Martin  Nature Master
Fiery Throated Hummingbird 9 8.5 7 24.5 DP Kathryn Martin Nature Master
J3 Image may be slightly over exposed. The area just to the left of leg is washed out. There are also spots on the bottom left and to the right of the tail that are distractions. Good background and shutter speed.
Author: Kathryn Martin
Aperture: 8
Camera: ILCE-9
Iso: 2500
Copyright: Kathryn Martin
Mallard Duck 6.5 6.5 7.5 20.5 Victor Turczynski  Nature Gold
Mallard Duck 6.5 6.5 7.5 20.5 Victor Turczynski Nature Gold
J3 Seems to be overly bright. Good sharpness and the reflection adds to the image.
Author: Vic Turczynski
Aperture: 8
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Iso: 500
Copyright: © 2014 Vic Turczynski
Anhinga With Fish 8 7.5 9 24.5 HM GPP Geoff Dunn  Nature Gold
Anhinga With Fish 8 7.5 9 24.5 HM GPP Geoff Dunn Nature Gold
J1 Great action capture. Technically, the edges of the fish could be improved. J3 What a story. You can even see where the beak of the bird is coning through the fish. Well done. Would have scored higher if there wasn't so much 'noise' in the image and the pixilation of the bird's neck.
Eastern Screech Owl 8 8.5 7 23.5 Bertin Francoeur  Nature Master
Eastern Screech Owl 8 8.5 7 23.5 Bertin Francoeur Nature Master
J3 There's something going on down the right side of the owl that's taking away from the image. The owl also appears to lost in the dark background. Good sharpness and the seems well exposed. Although there appears to be a green cast to the image - eyes, beak, part of the wing and it's chest.
Aperture: 2.8
Camera: X-T2
Iso: 400
Silver Spotted Skipper 7.5 7.5 7 22 Colleen Bird  Nature Gold
Silver Spotted Skipper 7.5 7.5 7 22 Colleen Bird Nature Gold
J3 The light is too harsh in this image. Particularly along the edges of the wings. When I first saw the insect I though 'too bad it's from this angle' but, the more I looked at it the more I like this angle. There seems to a green cast over the image.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: E-M1MarkII
Iso: 400
Orientation: 1
Common Eastern Bumble Bee 7 7.5 8 22.5 Bertin Francoeur  Nature Master
Common Eastern Bumble Bee 7 7.5 8 22.5 Bertin Francoeur Nature Master
J3 Good story with all the pollen on the leg. bee is sharp and just enough sharpness in the flowers to add to the image. Suggest tightening up the image in the frame with cropping. Even a square crop would well with this image.
Aperture: 2.8
Camera: ILCE-7RM3
Iso: 400
Male Eastern Bluebird 8 8 7.5 23.5 GPP Geoffrey Skirrow  Nature Gold
Male Eastern Bluebird 8 8 7.5 23.5 GPP Geoffrey Skirrow Nature Gold
J3 Lacks a story. Suggest cropping the left side as the focus of the wire drops off.
Author: Geoffrey Skirrow
Aperture: 7.1
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 400
Moose 6.5 7 7.5 21 Mike Mulvale  Nature Silver
Moose 6.5 7 7.5 21 Mike Mulvale Nature Silver
J1 A faster shutter speed might help in making the image sharper. J3 This looks like the maker is sitting right underneath the moose - scary. Too bad the legs are cut-off.
Colors In A Web 7 7 7 21 Heather Engel  Nature Master
Colors In A Web 7 7 7 21 Heather Engel Nature Master
J3 Suggest moving in closer or cropping the image tighter. It's nice to see the 'size' of the web but it's taking away from the main part of the web-the centre. Nice colours.
Author: H.D.ENGEL
Aperture: 8
Camera: NIKON D300S
Iso: 200
Copyright: H.D.ENGEL
Orientation: 1
Pileated Woodpecker 7 7.5 7 21.5 Ewa Rakowski  Nature Silver
Pileated Woodpecker 7 7.5 7 21.5 Ewa Rakowski Nature Silver
J3 The wood the bird is on is very dominant. It tends to take away from the bird. Nice sharpness and detail in the bird.
Aperture: 8
Camera: NIKON D850
Iso: 320
Orientation: 1
Canada Goose 7 7 7.5 21.5 Ewa Rakowski  Nature Silver
Canada Goose 7 7 7.5 21.5 Ewa Rakowski Nature Silver
J3 Good pose and shutter speed - catching the water drops.
Aperture: 8
Camera: NIKON D850
Iso: 560
Orientation: 1
Blue Mud Wasp 7.5 8 7.5 23 GPP David Evans  Nature Gold
Blue Mud Wasp 7.5 8 7.5 23 GPP David Evans Nature Gold
J3 Too bad the maker didn't move just to the left and got the tip of the flower in the frame. It would have strengthened the composition.
Aperture: 16
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 640
Downy Woodpecker 7 6.5 8 21.5 Mike Mulvale  Nature Silver
Downy Woodpecker 7 6.5 8 21.5 Mike Mulvale Nature Silver
J3 I would really like to see habitat in his image. Super exposure, sharpness. I think the pose stops it from becoming another 'bird on a stick'.
Author: Michael Mulvale
Aperture: 7.1
Camera: NIKON D500
Iso: 1100
Copyright: Michael Mulvale
Variations 6.5 7.5 7.5 21.5 John Bunyon  Creative Silver
Variations 6.5 7.5 7.5 21.5 John Bunyon Creative Silver
J2 watch your cropping for your final presentation (white strips on top and left) J3 I find this very creative. I see a Native dancer, a seal hunting down prey, a sitting dog, a lion and a flying bird. Good work.
Aperture: 1.9
Camera: SM-A520W
Iso: 64
Orientation: 1
Elora  6.5 7.5 7 21 Bert Pierre  Creative Gold
Elora 6.5 7.5 7 21 Bert Pierre Creative Gold
J1 Nice textures for the subject. Cropping some off the right side might improve the composition. J3 Two comments - 1. the main building in front appears to be leaning and 2. I can't stop looking at the guy leaning on the front wall. Once I saw him I can't stop 'seeing' him. Nice colours and it gives the impression of a quaint English cottage.
Aperture: 6.3
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Iso: 100
Orientation: 1
Lotus Blossom 7.5 8 6 21.5 Barbara Boles-Davis  Creative Gold
Lotus Blossom 7.5 8 6 21.5 Barbara Boles-Davis Creative Gold
J2 very creative. deducted for the poor cropping that left a white strip at the bottom left corner. J3 Good flow and sharpness to this image.
Milkweed Crown 6.5 7 7 20.5 Ed Espin  Creative Gold
Milkweed Crown 6.5 7 7 20.5 Ed Espin Creative Gold
J3 Lighting is flat. Good attempt. This has potential.
All-Out Red 7.5 8.5 7 23 Bertin Francoeur  Creative Master
All-Out Red 7.5 8.5 7 23 Bertin Francoeur Creative Master
J3 Caught the drop at just the right moment. The red frame helps. Not quite sure where the creative part comes in.
Aperture: 6.3
Camera: ILCE-7RM3
Iso: 100
Teasel  Creative Gold
Teasel Creative Gold
J2 nothing apparently creative about this image that would put it in this category. Good focus on the head and good choice of depth of field and better suited for a nature category. J3 I'm not sure where the 'creative' aspect comes in with this image. It appears to be just a monochrome image of a teasel. A very good monochrome though. Nice background and nice and sharp.
Author: Janet McNally
Aperture: 9
Camera: NIKON Z 6
Iso: 1000
Orientation: 1
Norfolk County Relic 7.5 9.5 7 24 DP Don Poulton  Creative Master
Norfolk County Relic 7.5 9.5 7 24 DP Don Poulton Creative Master
J2 wonderful blend of texture and an image; very striking! J3 I don't think the background is blending well in this image. Nice colours.
Aperture: 8
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 200
Tulips 7 7.5 6.5 21 Colleen Bird  Creative Gold
Tulips 7 7.5 6.5 21 Colleen Bird Creative Gold
J1 A little tight in the frame. J2 good use of the painterly filter; interesting choice of monochrome, which is unusual for what are probably colourful flowers. J3 Image needs some punch. Monochrome should have all shades of grey from whites to black. In this case it's mainly just a flat grey. The whites aren't white enough, the blacks aren't black enough. The 'smudge' mid-way up on the right is very distracting. I think this image may have worked better in colour.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: E-M1MarkII
Iso: 500
Orientation: 1
Thistle 7 8 7 22 Leonie Holmes FCAPA  Creative Master
Thistle 7 8 7 22 Leonie Holmes FCAPA Creative Master
J3 Image comes across as just having a Photoshop filter applied. Good colours.
Aperture: 8
Camera: NIKON D4S
Iso: 125
Orientation: 1
Midair Meltdown 7 8 6.5 21.5 Bert Pierre  Creative Gold
Midair Meltdown 7 8 6.5 21.5 Bert Pierre Creative Gold
J3 I wish I could read the Canucks Unlimited better. Not sure what's on the top of plane and under the side window. Plane looks like it's disintegrating in flight. A good attempt.
Aperture: 9
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Iso: 100
Orientation: 1
You Should Look The Other Way 7.5 8.5 9.5 25.5 HM DP Kathryn Martin  Creative Master
You Should Look The Other Way 7.5 8.5 9.5 25.5 HM DP Kathryn Martin Creative Master
J1 Interesting technique. There are really two images here. The car alone makes an image. J3 This image grabbed me. Nice subtle colours that don't overwhelm the viewer. Makes me want to yell 'look out for the car'. Nice in it's simplicity and it's complexity. Suggest toning down the whites lines running horizontally across the bottom. Maybe a crop?
Aperture: 8
Camera: NIKON D7500
Iso: 125
Autumn Barn 7 8 6.5 21.5 Don Poulton  Creative Master
Autumn Barn 7 8 6.5 21.5 Don Poulton Creative Master
J3 The blended background is not helping this image. It's very distracting.
Aperture: 8
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 400
The Priestess 7 7 5 19 John Bunyon  Creative Silver
The Priestess 7 7 5 19 John Bunyon Creative Silver
J1 The image is at the bottom of the frame. Moving it up would have helped the composition. J3 I don't think this image works at all. There's nothing sharp and I just don't get the story. There's also too much empty black space at the top.
Aperture: 1.9
Camera: SM-A520W
Iso: 2000
Orientation: 1
Planetarium 7.5 9 9 25.5 HM DP Doug Doede  Creative Master
Planetarium 7.5 9 9 25.5 HM DP Doug Doede Creative Master
J3 Well done. Very creative. Maybe more space on the bottom so the base isn't sitting on the frame.
Orientation: 1
Cracked Barn 7 10 7.5 24.5 DP Don Poulton  Creative Master
Cracked Barn 7 10 7.5 24.5 DP Don Poulton Creative Master
J3 I think the background is well blended in on this image. It also suits the barn image as it looks like barn board.
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Iso: 250
Cemetery 6.5 7.5 7 21 Leonie Holmes FCAPA  Creative Master
Cemetery 6.5 7.5 7 21 Leonie Holmes FCAPA Creative Master
J3 Creates a good sense of 'mystery' and age. Makes me want to wander around and look at the headstones.
Aperture: 11
Camera: NIKON D600
Iso: 200
Orientation: 1
Abandoned 8 8.5 8 24.5 HM GPP Elzbieta Piskorz  Creative Gold
Abandoned 8 8.5 8 24.5 HM GPP Elzbieta Piskorz Creative Gold
J3 Colours all work well in this. Good and sharp. Has a 'grunge' feel to it.
Author: Elzbieta Piskorz
Aperture: 7.1
Camera: NIKON D610
Iso: 100
Copyright: Ehla Ela Piskorz Photography
Orientation: 1
Reincarnation 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 John King  Creative Gold
Reincarnation 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.5 John King Creative Gold
J3 Interesting image. The maker has done a good job of blending the wings into the leaf. The lay out of the wings/leaf add to the 'look' on the eagle.
Copyright: John E King
The Backside Of Paris 7 7.5 6.5 21 John King  Creative Gold
The Backside Of Paris 7 7.5 6.5 21 John King Creative Gold
J3 Good water colour effect to it. Makes it look
like an old European village.
Copyright: John E King
Maple Leaf Progression 7.5 8.5 8 24 DP Doug Doede  Creative Master
Maple Leaf Progression 7.5 8.5 8 24 DP Doug Doede Creative Master
J3 Interesting perspective. I like the circular composition and the leaf tips look like like there frozen and match the background. The tips are not blended so much that they get lost in the background. This is a good thing.
Aperture: 16
Camera: PENTAX K-S2
Iso: 100
Orientation: 1
Flamingo Abstract 7 7.5 7.5 22 Victor Turczynski  Creative Gold
Flamingo Abstract 7 7.5 7.5 22 Victor Turczynski Creative Gold
J2 nice painterly effect; looks like a watercolour painting. appropriate use of this filter. J3 I think this would make a nice abstract print on canvas to hang. I like the square format.
Author: Vic Turczynski
Aperture: 7.1
Camera: X-T2
Iso: 400
Copyright: © 2020 Vic Turczynski
Orientation: 1
Uh Oh Better Get Maaco 7 7 7.5 21.5 Andy Langs  Creative Gold
Uh Oh Better Get Maaco 7 7 7.5 21.5 Andy Langs Creative Gold
J2 nice colour palette but slight use of a painterly effect is not enough to put this strongly in the creative category. looks like a face that's seen better days. J3 Interesting image. Looks like a 3 eyed bug. The eye is looking out the bottom window.
Copyright: Andy Langs
My Trained Distringam 7 8 7 22 SPP John Bunyon  Creative Silver
My Trained Distringam 7 8 7 22 SPP John Bunyon Creative Silver
J3 Creative idea. Could use more light on some of the branches. Also more space around the frame so they're not touching.
Aperture: 1.9
Camera: SM-A520W
Iso: 1000
Orientation: 1
No Masks Needed 7.5 7.5 8.5 23.5 GPP Elzbieta Piskorz  Creative Gold
No Masks Needed 7.5 7.5 8.5 23.5 GPP Elzbieta Piskorz Creative Gold
J3 Very humorous. The more I looked at it the more I smiled. One comment would be that the mask on the bottom dominates. It takes away from the overall image.
Author: Elzbieta Piskorz
Aperture: 3.2
Camera: NIKON D610
Iso: 100
Copyright: Ehla Ela Piskorz Photography
Orientation: 1
Kitty And Bricks 8 7.5 7.5 23 Leonie Holmes FCAPA  Creative Master
Kitty And Bricks 8 7.5 7.5 23 Leonie Holmes FCAPA Creative Master
J1 Nice colour tones and textures. Top right edge could be removed. J3 The red colour at the top right is distracting. Good blending of the cat and the wall
Aperture: 8
Camera: NIKON Z 7
Iso: 180
Orientation: 1
Autumn 6 8 7.5 21.5 Leonie Holmes FCAPA  Creative Master
Autumn 6 8 7.5 21.5 Leonie Holmes FCAPA Creative Master
J3 the splashes of colour take away from the maple leaf. Maybe tone them down a bit On the right edge there's a touch of white as if the 'paint' didn't make it that far.
Orientation: 1
Spiraling Colors 7.5 8.5 7.5 23.5 Leonie Holmes FCAPA  Creative Master
Spiraling Colors 7.5 8.5 7.5 23.5 Leonie Holmes FCAPA Creative Master
J3 Nice flow in the spiral and good colours.
Orientation: 1
Autumn Rose 7 7.5 5.5 20 Colleen Bird  Creative Gold
Autumn Rose 7 7.5 5.5 20 Colleen Bird Creative Gold
J3 Very busy image. Too much background and the rose isn't blended well.
Aperture: 4.5
Camera: E-M1MarkII
Iso: 1600
Orientation: 1